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My feet dragged across the concrete slowly, my eyes seeming to be fascinated with the ugly grey color of the ground. My brain couldn't seem to process the noise around me, zoning everything out. I decided to take the long way home, ditching photography. The wind was blowing incredibly harsh, whipping my shoulder-length blonde hair in my face.

"Ugh stupid weather." I angrily sighed, feeling my butt vibrate from my phone. I quickly rolled my eyes, slowly but surely coming out of my empty mood and now pissed. I pulled out my phone, swiping it and bringing it to my ear.

"What?" I snapped, not knowing who it was.

"Whoa you okay babe?" I heard Calum's voice slowly ask. "School ended an hour and a half ago. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. I'm five minutes from the house, so I'll see you in a few." I ended the call without waiting for his response, scratching my finger against a crack again. It was official. I hate Luke.

• ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ •

"Nicole?" I heard Calum's voice call through my door with a silent knock. I pulled the comfort of my blanket farther up my body, practically hiding myself in them. The door was pushed open, Calum's head popping inside the room. "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I squeaked.

He swiftly slid inside the room, closing the door behind him. Gray sweatpants hung loosely on his hips, his boxers showing slightly. He wore a ripped black Blink 182 shirt and a black beanie to cover his mess of hair, I was assuming. He padded over to my bed, sliding under the blankets on the opposite side of the bed. I turned away from him so he wouldn't see my red, puffy eyes.

"What's wrong?" Calum whispered. I could tell he was worried by his tone of voice. I didn't want to make him feel that way.

"Nothing, just tired." My voice croaked. I shifted farther away from him. I felt his body scoot closer to mine. His arms wrapped around my waist underneath the blanket. "Cal stop." I turned to face him, pushing my palm against his chest to get him away.

"I won't make you tell me why you were crying, but I'm hoping eventually you might tell me. For now though, you look like you need a cuddle." He pulled me closer, ignoring my pushing. I gave up and pushed my face into his chest, sniffling.

My black Nike shorts began to ride up my legs, but I made no attempt to pull them back down. Instead I pulled my oversized, pink Hello Kitty shirt over my legs and pushed my tangled hair back off my face.

"Can I wear your beanie?" I squeaked.

"Uhh sure," he slowly hesitated. He pulled it off his head, revealing his messy hair. I grabbed it from his hands and pulled it over my own head. I inhaled his cologne and closed my eyes.

"I hate him." I slowly whispered into his chest, fisting his shirt in my hands.


"Luke." I felt my body shake.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Calum asked with curiosity. There seemed to be a hint of jealousy in his tone, but I assumed I was just imagining things.

"Ew no. He's such a dick and always calls me names. In fact he broke my phone screen." I explained.

"Do I need to go kick his ass?" Calum spoke with a smile on his face, but his tone seemed serious.

"No it's fine."

"He shouldn't call you names." Calum spoke softly, his hand trailing down my cheek. "You're the nicest and most beautiful girl I know."

"I'm nowhere near beautiful, Cal." I spoke, my cheeks a tint of pink. I looked away from him to hide my embarrassment.

His hand lifted my chin to look back up at him. Our eyes locked for a brief moment, before his trailed down to my lips. He leaned in, our lips brushing into a kiss.

What the hell? Calum, my best friend since middle school, is kissing me! My brain couldn't process what was happening, but my body took action and grabbed his head, kissing him more forcefully. It was Calum who pulled away.

"I don't want to take advantage of you." He spoke.

"What?" I mentally awed. He was 100x better than Luke will ever be. Why am I even thinking of Luke? He's an ass.

"You're upset and I don't want to just be a distraction." Calum answered, his hand tracing up and down my arm.

"I wouldn't use you like that." It kinda upset me that he would think that.

"I know, you're just not yourself right now Nicole." Calum smiled back at me. And as much as I'd hate to admit it, he was right. I nodded sadly, still fisting his shirt in my hands.

"Then just lay with me for awhile?"

"Yeah, of course."

• ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ •

I woke up to Calum's soft snores, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. My face was basically suffocating in his chest. I noticed the beanie was no longer on my head and on Calum's. The fucker stole it when I was sleeping. I smiled at the thought of him slowly taking it off my head to avoid waking me up. He looked so peaceful and beautiful.

I slowly unwrapped himself from my body and tiptoed to my backpack. I was incredibly happy tomorrow was Friday, but I still hadn't finished my homework. I grabbed my hair and tucked it behind my ears. I could tell it was the middle of the night and didn't have it in me to do the work right now. I grabbed my phone off my dresser, carefully unlocking it.

nicole 3:24 AM - hey sorry for texting you so late but did you finish the U.S. hw?

sammie 3:26 AM - i actually just finished it! *three picture attachments* pretty sure this is right

nicole 3:27 AM - thanks :)

I was grateful for the one less assignment I had to do. That left me with Pre-Calculus and English homework. I opened my notebook for U.S. History and copied Sammie's work onto another scratch sheet of paper. Once I finished, I began working on the three-paged essay I had to write for English, pulling out my laptop and opening it. I quickly typed in my passcode, plugged in some headphones to listen to music, and opened up Microsoft Word. I could already tell it was gonna be a long night as I yawned.

hey you! yeah you! do me a favor and hit that favorite button :D

i'm really shipping Calum and Nicole! they're literally the cutest thing ever. stay tuned :) xx

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