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I tapped my pencil impatiently against my desk, bringing the top of the pencil up and biting the eraser between my teeth. It was the first day of school and I already felt like I was gonna murder someone.

Most people say Senior year is easy. Well let me tell you it's a lie. One massive lie. I had already received a five page essay in English and assigned reading in History about the Revolutionary War. I mean come on! Can't it be like middle school where teachers talk about their syllabus'?

Here I was sitting in Mr. What's-his-name's Pre-Calculus class. I had completely zoned out most of his lecture. There was a small voice that kept whispering to the right of me, but I was too busy daydreaming about mine and Niall Horan's children to respond or even comprehend what he was saying. It wasn't until his voice had grown louder and the annoying tapping on my shoulder that I responded.

"What?" I snapped my head to the boy. His eyes grew wide and he backed away slowly.

"Whoa... geez calm down." He spoke in a deep, husky voice.

I slowly took in his appearance. He had blonde hair quiffed to the side, baby blue eyes, a Nirvana shirt, and black skinny jeans with black converse.

"Well quit harassing me." I said harshly.

"Harassing?" He questioned with an amused smirk.

"Yes. Now can you leave me alone?" I asked, already turning back to the front of the room.

"Someone's on their period." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. My head snapped to the side, sending death glares his way.

"Excuse me?"

The bell rung, releasing everyone from third period to head to fourth. I rolled my eyes obnoxiously, grabbing my stuff and heading out the door. I had barely made it down the hall when someone ran to my side.

"I'm Luke Hemmings." The boy from before smiled.

"And I don't care." I spoke truthfully, pulling out my phone and clearing my Vine and Weheartit notifications.

"Well that's not very nice. A simple 'hi, nice to meet you' would be fine." He laughed.

When I glanced up, I saw the photography room. Which so happened to be my next class. I made a dash to the door, Luke keeping up with my pace.

"You can leave now. This is my next class." I smiled, happy to get away from the annoying boy.

"What a coincidence, it's mine too." He smirked, walking past me and leaving my jaw hanging open.

I recollected myself before entering the classroom and searching for a seat. The only available seat was next to Luke. Of course. I walked over to the table, settling down with an annoyed huff.

"Would you look at that? We sit next to each other in this class too." Luke mumbled to me.

"Yay me." I replied sarcastically.

The teacher began handing out film and printing paper to the class. She was short and stubby, black hair falling to only her shoulders, and glasses hanging on the brink of her nose.

"I expect you guys to have a designated folder for this class to put your finishing projects in and to turn it in at the end of the semester. You guys need to buy a new camera for this class - not digital. You may also know, the film and chemicals used in this class are pretty expensive. So there will be a $60 fee. If you can't pay for that, you might want to consider dropping the class."

"Whoa that's expensive." I heard Luke mumble by me.

"What you can't afford it? Maybe you should drop." I spoke harshly.

"You're a fucking douchette." His words spitting out venomously. His eyes narrowed, sending death glares at me.

"What does that mean?"

"You're a girl that's a douche."

I hope you guys liked the first chapter! really hoping I made up that word *crosses fingers*. stay tuned for the next chapter xx

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