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Sunday seemed to drag on and I only woke up an hour ago. I sat at the kitchen table, coffee cup in hand and my phone in the other. I continued scrolling through Weheartit, saving some of the pictures to my own collections. A small sigh fell from my lips, my fingertips swiping the app close, and downed the rest of substance in the blue mug. I put the mug into the left side of the sink and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door leading to the small room, examining myself in the large mirror.

I smoothed out my white spaghetti-strapped shirt, pulling lightly on the red plaid unbuttoned shirt. My dark navy blue jeans were tight and went well with the white converse. I brought my attention to my face, inspecting my makeup. My foundation was well blended, eye shadow very light and barely noticeable, eyeliner having a small wing, and pink lipgloss completing the look.

I ran my fingers through my blonde hair, noticing the length of it longer. Maybe I'll just let it grow out and see how I like it. It might be a nice change. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and made sure my house key was tucked in my front pocket. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my camera off the kitchen table, deciding to walk out of the house without letting Calum know where I was headed. He was too precious to wake up. I mean it's just a walk to take some pictures for my photography class.

I closed the door behind me, appreciating the warmth the sun was casting down on me. I slipped the neckband of the camera around my head, letting it dangle against my chest. The walk up the street and out of the neighborhood was vacant. Even the road was clear of cars, allowing me to run across the street. I entered the side-off street, walking up its path to an empty park and field. I sketchily looked around for kidnappers and rapists. When no one was in vision, I continued my journey to the patch of trees.

I pulled the camera up to my face, holding it against my cheek bone and closing my left eye as my right eye looked into the viewfinder. I adjusted the focus, shutter speed, and f-stop all while keeping the light meter at the happy mark. I quickly snapped the picture of the landscape.

"Hey stranger," I heard a man's voice say behind me. I jumped, quickly turning around. My feet tripped over an uneven patch of grass, my ass hitting the floor hard. I quickly looked up to see a laughing Luke hitting his knee. "Are you alright?"

I huffed out of annoyance, rolling my eyes. It really wasn't that funny. I pushed myself back up, dusting my jeans off.

"Are you stalking me Lucas?" I teased back. I casually walked past him and headed in the direction of the swing set. I sat down in the empty swing, while Luke sat beside me.

"Don't call me Lucas." Luke faked annoyance. I watched as he swung his legs back and forth, going higher and higher with each passing second. He wore tight black skinny jeans, a normal black shirt clinging to his broad shoulders.

"You're such a little kid." I laughed. I pulled the camera up to my face, changing the shutter speed to capture Luke swinging in a still picture without blurriness. He jumped off the moving swing, landing a few feet in front of me.

"Give me the camera." He held his hand out.

"No." I smiled, clutching the camera to my chest. I turned away from him, running as fast as I could onto the large grass field. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me backwards, flinging us both onto the grass. I was laughing hysterically when my body was flipped over. Luke was grinning and grabbed the camera, trying to pull it above my head. "Luke stop! It's not like you can delete the picture anyway."

I flipped us over so I was on top of Luke. The camera rested on his chest from the close proximity. My breathing was still ragged from running a freaking marathon.

"Then let me take a picture of you." Luke said casually. Before I could comprehend what was happening, he pulled the camera over my head and held the camera to his face.

"No!" I giggled, covering the camera. "What a waste of film."

"It's not a waste. Please?" He begged, his bottom lip jutting out. His lip piercing was on full display and I couldn't help but slowly give in. I tried crawling off him, but he pulled me back down on him. "No stay right there."

Luke brought the camera back up to his face, adjusting the settings before snapping it. He pulled it away from his face and set the camera back down on his chest.

"Beautiful." He smiled, tugging that damn lip piercing between his teeth.

"Ew more like a fat elephant." I joked, climbing off him and sitting down in the grass.

"Why would you say that? You're breathtaking Nicole." Luke pushed himself up on his elbows.

"Thanks Lukey." I chuckled at the nickname.

"Ugh not that again." Luke laughed.

There was a long moment of silence between the two of us. Our laughter was the only sound that filled in the awkward tension between us.

"So are you dating that guy?" Luke slowly questioned. He seemed just as uncomfortable as me, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well we went on date, but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." I looked at the grass, pulling at its roots. There was another moment of silence.

"I'm sorry for um... kissing you a few days ago." He again scratched the back of his neck. "I don't know what got into me. It was just kind of heat of the moment."

"It's okay." What the hell was I supposed to say? The tension was even thicker than before.

"We can still be friends right?"

"Of course Luke." I laughed at his nonsense. "It was a mistake. Let's pretend it didn't happen."

I don't know why, but I felt a little upset. I was happy we finally talked about the kiss, but I didn't want to forget about it. I don't like Luke, I know that much. How could I like him? Ew. He called me a douchette.

This was supposed to be a good thing right? Now there's no obstacles between Calum and I. I felt my chest literally tighten. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Nicole are you okay?" Luke leaned towards me, concern written all over his face. "Why are you crying babe?"

"What?" I brought my hand to my cheeks feeling the wetness. "Oh my god." I spoke embarrassingly, wiping my face with the back of my hand. "I think I'm on my period or something."

Luke laughed at the comment. He held a genuine smile, standing up quickly. He held his hand out to help me up from the ground.


"McDonald's." I laughed, nodding my head repeatedly.

"Maybe McDonald's will be our okay." Luke winked.

"Oh shut up Lucas."

So I'm not sure how much you guys like this story... feedback is much appreciated :) xx

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