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a/n: cal setting my expectations WAY to high for guys with the pic to the side (or above)

"It's rude to talk with your mouth full Lucas." I teased the blonde boy sitting across from me, his mouth full with French fries. I giggled at his glare, pulling the caramel frappuccino to my lips and taking a small sip. I allowed the cool beverage to refresh my senses.

"Don't call me that." Lucas mumbled with his mouth still full. I stuck my tongue out rebelliously, flipping my blonde hair over my shoulder. It took Luke a moment more to scarf the rest of his food down and stand up, suggesting he was done and ready to leave. I grabbed the camera that was set on the table beside my drink, pulling the strap over my head and letting it fall against my chest. Then, I quickly grabbed the drink and empty tray from the table before going to the trash can and disposing it.

We walked out of the small, packed McDonald's. The brisk air was welcoming to the scorching heat. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, the first time today since I met Luke at the park. I found a dozen of texts and a few missed phone calls from Calum. Shit.

I had honestly forgotten that Calum might've woken up and freaked out to find I wasn't at the house. I mean it was only supposed to be for 30 minutes, but now looking at the time, I realize it's been a few hours. Oops. Way to make me feel like a great friend... well maybe soon-to-be girlfriend? Cal and I needed to talk about that...

"Shit Calum's awake," I ran my fingers through my hair nervously. "I didn't realize how fast time went."

"Oh were you two meeting up?" Luke slowly asked, looking away awkwardly.

"No, he's staying at my house and I kinda left him there." I laughed, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Oh," Luke rubbed the back of his neck, continuing to not keep eye contact with me. "Well I should probably get going too."

And just like that Luke began walking opposite of where I was supposed to head. What the heck?

"No goodbye Lukey? How rude." I joked, placing one hand on my hip. He turned back around, a growing smile on his face.

"Later loser." He called out, pulling that damned lip ring between his bottom teeth. Fucker.

"Queen to you." I flipped my hair dramatically, making me laugh at myself.

"Alright your highness." Luke's tongue darted out, wetting his lips. "I'll be expecting an invitation to hangout very soon then?"

"I'll have to check my schedule to make sure I have time." I teased.

"Bye bab-" his cheeks flushed. "Nicole." He quickly corrected.

Was he about to call me babe? Or baby? I felt my cheeks heat up. I threw a quick wave in his direction before turning around and rushing home.

• ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ • ↜ ❣ ↝ •

"Cal, it's been an hour! Can you stop ignoring me?" I stared down at the figure underneath a pile of blankets on my couch.

"You ignored me for a long time so I'm just doing the same thing." I heard him mumble through the fabric of the navy blue fleece blanket.

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize how fast time went! Luke and I were just-"

"You were with Luke?" Calum popped his head out from underneath the blanket. Hurt was clear in his eyes and I instantly regretted bringing up Luke and I hanging out.

"Well we just bumped into each other," I tried to make an excuse, but the words didn't spill. He ducked his head back underneath the blanket, pulling it more over him. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. I crawled on top of him with the blankets still covering him completely.

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