The Big News

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Lucas woke up and reached his hand over to the table next to the bed, feeling for his phone. When he found it he didn't even bother to check the caller ID he just answered it.

"Hello?" Lucas said groggily.

"Hey son."

"Why are you calling me so early?"

"I need you to come see me, your mother and I have something to tell you."

Lucas pulled the phone from his ear and squinted at the bright screen. It was 7:30 am. He put the phone back to his ear. "Like now?"

"Yes, like now. It's a 2 hour drive to get over here."

"Alright, I'm coming." He hung up the phone and climbed out of bed. Lucas stood and pulled on some shorts.


He turned to see Kristina sleepily looking up at him from the bed. "Where are you going?"

Walking over to the bed, he kissed her forehead and her round belly. "I'm going to see my Dad. I'll be back soon."


"Go back to sleep."

Snatching up a t-shirt and pulling it over his head before grabbing his keys. Lucas headed downstairs, grumbling the whole way.

"Stupid parents waking me up at fricking 7 in the goddamn morn.."

"Good Morning, señor."

He cleared his throat. "Morning Lola."

She handed him a travel mug filled with warm coffee. "Grumpy in the morning as always, I see."

He grumbled in response. "I'm going out, take of Kristina."

"No problem, señor."

Lucas just nodded and slipped on his sandals before heading out the door.

He climbed into the car and drove off.

Whatever they had to tell me better be important, because I did not wake up at 7 in the morning and drive two fricking hours to hear bullshit.


Lucas knocked on the door four times before it opened.

"Welcome Home, Master Lucas."

"Heathcliff, where are my parents?"

"They're in the sitting room, sire."

Lucas stepped past Heathcliff and made his way to the door of the sitting room, Heathcliff close behind. Heathcliff clapped and it opened.

All the heads in the room, turned to face Lucas. Lucas's parents and the two other people in the room were dressed in formal attire.

"Lucas, your clothes are so immodest. I know I have raised you to be a modest young man."

Lucas looked down at his t-shirt, basketball shorts, and sandals and rolled his eyes. "I guess I kinda missed the memo when you forgot to tell me to dress formally."

He just walked right in and sat next to his mother. He leaned back into the couch and took a sip from his coffee mug. "What did you want with me?"

"We will tell you in good time."

"No, you'll tell me now. And It better be important or else I will NOT be a happy chappy."

His mother slapped him on the hand. "Don't be rude, Lucas."

Lucas's father, Malcolm, stood, and Lucas looked up at him. "Lucas, we have called you here because we would like to discuss your wedding."

Lucas sat up, quite elated at the news but then his face fell shortly afterwards. "Really?" He asked drawing out the word, and placing his mug on the coffee table. Lucas's parents never liked Kristina and refused for them to get married.

Married to the Sexy Stranger (boyxboy) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now