Engaged again

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Lucas stood outside the huge mahogany doors, adjusting and readjusting his tie. He fixed his hair and straightened his jacket.

Ruso elbowed him. "Stop you're making me nervous, Lucas."

Lucas ignored Ruso and fixed himself one last time.

When the mahogany doors started creaking open, Lucas slid his arm in the crook of Ruso elbow -as his mother basically yelled at his to do- and plastered a huge fake smile on his face.

They walked in, everyone on both sides of the room were standing and clapping. Lucas noticed a TV crew and his smile faltered a little. He wanted to tell Kristina about their little 'obstacle' not for her to find out on live TV.

Ruso stepped faster and gently tugged Lucas along. "Stop zoning out." Ruso snapped at him, with a large smile still plastered on his face.

Lucas, squeezed Ruso's hand tightly as his response. To any onlooker it would have looked as if Lucas was nervous and gripping on to Ruso because of that reason but he was doing the exact opposite. Lucas released his grip when he heard Ruso suck in a sharp breath.

Lucas gave a real smile this time, a smile of satisfaction at the pain he caused upon Ruso.

They finally reached the front of the room.

They stood up there and the applause soon died down. Then everyone sat down. There was a medium sized rectangle table behind them with their names cards on it. The rest of the room had this set up as well, with round tables on both side of the room. There were three people to a table, and a long white carpet running down the middle of the room.

Ruso and Lucas stood at the front of the room looking around at their surroundings and tried their best to make it seem as if they were in awe of the place, when really they couldn't wait to get away.

There was the sound of someone tapping against a microphone. Lucas turned to where the sound was coming from to see his Mom tapping a mic as the glass podium off to the left. "Is this on?" When the sound echoed through the whole room, she brushed her hair out her face and cleared her throat.

"Hello, everyone who has come to celebrate the engagement of my Son Lucas Mitchell, the second in line heir to Empire Enterprises and Ruso Sanchez the Heir to Sanchez Inc."

Loud cheering erupted in the room and Bethany beamed with pride. She shot her son a glare in case he decided to say anything to ruin this. Lucas rolled his eyes. He would let his mother have her way now but after maybe three months of this marriage he'd divorce Ruso or break it off before the marriage date.

"Quiet down everyone. Quiet down." The crowd died down and sat back down in their seats. Bethany stared out at the crowd, her smile increasing in size if possible. "Now, the reason why we are here as I've already said is to celebrate their engagement. The reason why the relationship has been kept private up until now is that the two had wished to live their love life in peace." She paused her gaze flickering over to the two before back to the crowd. "Now that they have decided to get married I believe it is the right time to release their love to the world. I will now let the lovely couple step forward and answer any questions you may have."

The audience started clapping and Ruso and Lucas stared up at Bethany with surprise. Bethany giggled and beckoned for them to come on stage. Ruso started walking and Lucas clutched on to Ruso's arm for dear life. "I thought you didn't like me?" Ruso whispered. "Why the sudden change of actions?"

"I'm not clutching your arm because I want to nor because I like you. I have stage fright okay. The last time I was on stage was my high school graduation, the moment I looked out into the crowd I threw up and fainted. I decided never again."

Married to the Sexy Stranger (boyxboy) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now