I Just Jinxed It...

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Ruso woke up that morning feeling like a Million bucks. How they got back to the house, he didn't even know.

He looked over at Lucas in the bed next to him. A huge smile was welcome upon Ruso's face before he leaned down and kissed the side of Lucas's head.

Ruso slid Lucas's head off his arm and got off the bed. Before heading to the bathroom, he pulling up the covers to hide Lucas's nakedness.

After a shower and getting on some fresh clothes, Ruso headed to the kitchen. The events of last night playing over in his head.

The way he touched and caressed his body. The look of pure ecstasy on Lucas's face when Ruso pleasured him, it all seemed so unreal. Even though he knew it had happened.

Ruso suddenly felt lips being placed on his cheek which pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Whattcha thinking about?"


"Really, now?" Lucas asked.


Lucas leaned back against the counter top, his eyes piercing into Ruso's.

"I think you're lying to me."  He said.

"What makes you say that?" Ruso countered.

"Because you've been stirring an empty cup for twenty minutes."

Ruso looked down and cursed.

Lucas shook his head and gave the man a smile. "I can look forward to this. This thing we have."

Ruso walked over there placing both hands on Lucas's waist as Lucas repeated the action placing his hand around Ruso's neck.

"You mean this relationship?" Ruso asked.

"Relationship? We just got together last night don't you think we're going too fast?"

Ruso scoffed. "We were gonna get married without a proper conversation much less an introduction." Ruso pecked Lucas's lips, leaving a chaste kiss. "I think fast is a bit of an understatement."

Ruso smiled at Lucas's raised eyebrows. "But...something that I can promise you is not being rushed is my love for you. It just grows with each passing day." He paused for a moment. "And I'm willing to wait until you can return those feelings. I won't rush you."

"Thank you." Lucas said, tiptoeing to kiss Lucas's forehead.

Although on the outside Ruso seemed calm, on the onside he was jumping with excitement he finally had Lucas all to himself. Their lives will finally go by without any more problems.


Lucas kept having this distinct feeling that someone was watching him. 

The more he glanced the room, the more scared he was. At this point, Lucas's arms were covered in goose bumps. 

He stared at the clock, hanging on the wall of the sitting room. It read '6:07' It had been only fifteen minutes since Ruso left to run an errand and Lucas was dying for him to return.

There was a thud to his far left. 

He was beginning to sweat now, the feeling getting more and more intense. He slowly leaned over the sofa and tried to reach for the landline phone. 

Before his hand could touch the the phone, cool metal pressed the back of his head. There was a clicking sound which Lucas recognized as something from a gun. "Don't you dare touch it."

He knew that voice, he'd recognize it anywhere. It was etched in his mind, he would never forget it. 


Thanks for reading! 

I'm so glad we made it this far. 

I'd like to thank you guys, my readers for making me want to keep writing and for reading my books (for also putting with my late updates). 

This is also a filler chapter (sorry) but the next chapter is where it's at, I promise.

Anyways, don't forget to comment and/or vote for this chapter.


Married to the Sexy Stranger (boyxboy) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now