Am I Okay?......That's A Good Question

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Today was the day of the press conference and Ruso was exhausted and unable to focus.

Kristina had over by their house , well she's been there a lot lately and she knew just what buttons to push to piss Ruso the fuck off.

Ruso mustn't have been discreet enough because she now knows that he likes Lucas. And she uses the fact that she has him and Ruso doesn't to piss him off.

Now to some of you this seem pretty trivial but if you had to constantly see the person you were falling for being hopelessly in love with someone else you'd feel a little out of it, as well as, if the person they love keeps tauting you about it.

Ruso shook his head. He was getting off track he could think about this later.

"You're bothered." A voice stated. Ruso turned and saw his sister swirling a glass of wine.

"Why do you have wine? Isn't it like ten in the morning?"

She took a sip and looked up at her younger brother. Her golden green orbs mirroring Ruso's. "There is always time for wine."

Ruso shook his head and straightened his tie.

"What's bothering you?"

"What do you mean?" Ruso asked, turning to look at her.

"I'm older by four years, I've learned to read you. I can tell that you're bothered and you're lying to me."

Ruso sighed. "Can I tell you after the conference? I don't want to focus on this right now."

She placed her glass on the table and walked toward him. Once beside him she  placed her hand on his shoulder. "It's about that boy isn't it?"

"Jessinda Samantha Sanchez!" Ruso yelled. She looked at him with wide eyes. "Not now."

She slapped him in the back of his head. "Don't raise your voice at me!"

"Sorry, it's just....nothing. I'll tell you later."

With that Ruso left the room and headed for the Press conference hall. He just wanted to get this over with.

He let out a deep breath, then opened the door of the hall. He was welcomed by the sound of camera shutters and the chatter of the reporters.

"Ok Ruso, you can do this. You got this." He mumbled before placing a smile on his face and stopping inside walking to the front of the room.


Ruso was done with smiling and speaking to other business owners and directors his father had invited. The last few people left and Ruso was so glad until another approached him.

He internally rolled his eyes.

"Hello Mr. Minister." Ruso greeted.

The Minister of Finance smiled and shook Ruso's outstretched hand. "Hello, Mr. CEO."

Ruso smiled. "Please no formalities."

Ruso glanced around and saw his sister. They made eye contact and he pleaded with her to come and save him.

Feeling charitable Jessinda walked over there to help her younger brother. "Mr. CEO, you're needed to discuss something with a shareholder."

They both glanced at the Minister. He nodded. "Don't let me keep you. It's been nice here, I hope you enjoy your time in office. I wish you luck."

They smiled and walked away. Jessinda grasped her brother's hand and dragged him to the VVIP area, reserved for them and their father.

They both sat down, the chatter of the after party a low hum.

"So, spill." Jessinda said her eyes focused on her brother.

"It's not much... it's just Lucas's girlfriend."

"And she bothers you?"


"So you like him?" Jess asked.

"No.." Ruso trailed off when he saw the glare his sister was giving him. "Yes."

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"He's made it clear he doesn't like me, plus we have a friendship."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You purposefully put yourself in the friendzone?"

"At that point I wanted to stop feeling things for him but now it's impossible..... I've fallen too deep."

Jessinda shook her head slowly. "When the first notice your feelings?"

"The week after the engagement."

Jessinda sighed. This was something she couldn't fix for her brother. She rested her hand on his. "Try and find out what he feels for you."

"Sis did you not listen to a word I said. He doesn't want me."

"You don't know that." She pulled back her hand and sat forward in her chair. "OK, here's a test. If you kiss him and he kisses back then he likes you but is trying to hold himself back. Or if that doesn't work, disappear for a week and not tell him. If he worries and calls more than ten times, he feels something."

Ruso got up and shook his head. "You're crazy."

Jessinda got up with him and stood by him. "Boy troubles aside, how are you?"

"Honestly... Right now I don't know." He gave his sister a small smile and took his leave. He maneuvered his way through the crowd and out to the car.

"Sir, are you okay?" The driver asked, when Ruso got into the car.

"Am I okay?" Ruso repeated to himself. "That's a good question. Sadly I don't know the answer to that."

Thanks for reading!

This is more of a filler chapter, I've had writer's block and haven't been able to update.

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