23 1 0

We were told to be in the training room at 7:00. Then we walked in silence to the elevator and go to the training center.

When the door to the elevator opens and we walk down a long corridor to the two sliding doors into the big room sectioned off into different combat and training areas. I'm not sure where to start first.

When I was younger I remember I was sitting at home and Rally was fixing my makeup for the school party. My mother came in and threw a lipstick container at me and I took it.  "Mother I said live lime greeny not pinky fresh!" I said then I took the lipstick and flicked it at her hitting her right between the eyes leaving a purple bruise.

I walk over to the knife throwing section. The boy from Beetee's group, Olive, was trying the skill. The dummies made of pixels move around trying to get their pixelated weapons to Olive's guts. He had a belt with knife pockets. Each time a dummy popped up he pulled a knife out of his belt and turns towards it and throws the knife. Almost three fourths of the time it hit dead on or very close that if it was a real person it would definitely die.

My turn comes and I reach over to a table with the knife belts on them. I strap it on my waist, open the door to the room and the door shuts. The lights go dim and all sounds fade. I look around waiting for the orange pixel dummies to pop up. I grab a knife and toss it and flip it in my hand then I hear a stranger version of footsteps behind me. My instincts act and I twist around flinging the knife at the dummy. Suddenly a dummy has appeared right beside me and I duck under it making it jump over me then grabbing the next knife, stabbing it. Out of the corner of my eye another dummy and another and another. By the time I got those last few the lights turned back on and the belt and knifes disappeared. I walk out. That was a pretty good weapon. Now I need to know how to survive. So I decide to do the obstacle course then head to the edible plants and insects. Then is lunch.

All 24 tributes sat together and ate lunch. Many people started to group together. I wonder if this is how allies are built? Rally comes and slams down in the chair. "PHEW that was tough!" He said as we both laugh.

Then Zambi comes over. "Hello." I say.

"Hey" Zambi says

"So who are the careers this time?" Rally says

"Not sure yet but I have a feeling Celestia will be the head." I say

"Yeah and Lovely, she was doing some things with the sword and she was on fire." Zambi says. Then the girl from Johanna, Capple,comes over to sit with us.

"Hey guys"

"Hi Capple" Rally says staring at her sparkly red eyes

"So our alliance group is not just you and me huh?" I whisper to Rally. He shrugs.

Then another Nano from Haymitch's group.

"Hello guys and girls. I'm guessing Yall are a group?"  He says

We all look at each other waiting for someone to do something when Rally says naturally, "yes sir we are"

No one showed any sign of disagreement so we have ourselves an alliance group. I am hope they all are killed off so I don't have to.

"So it's me, Zambi, Capple, Nano, and Lilith." Rally says.

"And me." Someone said very proudly behind us.

Snow, Celestia Snow. If anyone was to be on our team it should be her since she would have the most information about the arena. We turn to look at each other. "She will be an advantage with info and she will be easy to kill." I whisper. Then we nod and turn back around.

"Snow welcome to the alliance."

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