Twenty Four

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A/N: Even though I'm currently being a total prick with this story, you lovelies are still giving me amazing feedback. Truly, it's heart-warming. I don't think you guys realise how much your comments mean to me, but anyway, thank you all so much, I love you all.

P.S- Do you guys think Greg's being overly dramatic? I personally feel like he is but I dunno. Really this story is entirely out of my hands now. It's like its got a mind of its own :P



I wasn't sure how I was going to get back to Baskerville. We were in an isolated area, and I highly doubted if any cabs came past the area. Chances were, I'd have to get a ride home with Mycroft, or rather, Mr. Holmes. I scoffed to myself as I walked through the alley. As if I would. I'd rather walk. And then, much to my surprise, I saw a car pull up outside the house. The window went down, and Irene Adler looked at me from the driver side. 

"You look annoyed. Want a lift?"

I sighed. "Yeah, that'd be good thanks."

I quickly got in the car, and thankfully, Irene drove away before she saw Mr. Holmes. Looking in the side mirror, I saw him standing there, watching as we left. He lied to me. He lied and lied and never thought to tell me. I thought back to the time I'd bet up those lads who said I slept my way to the top. I practically had, hadn't I? If Mr. Holmes didn't like me, he wouldn't have done it. But that in itself was the thing: If Mr. Holmes didn't like me, he wouldn't have done it.

"What are you doing in this area?" I asked Irene, trying to take my mind off of everything else. 

"I was visiting a friend. He lives about two houses down from where you were," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. Her brown hair was wild around her shoulders and a few buttons on her shirt were undone. I guessed she'd most likely been sleeping with this 'friend,' and hadn't seen me and Mr. Holmes. I sighed in relief. "What about you?" She asked, looking at me.

"I was on a date," I sighed. 

"Didn't go well?"

"Nope," I replied, popping the 'p.' I rested my head against the headrest and looked out the window. 

Thankfully, Irene said nothing more about the issue. Instead, when we got into the London city, she asked if I wanted food. Of course, having not eaten anything but the snacks Mr. Holmes provided earlier in the night, I agreed to the idea. 

We stopped into a little Chinese shop and ordered some food. Being the gentleman that I was, I paid. 

I took a moment to look at Irene as we waited. She really was rather pretty. Her hair was slightly curly and came down to her shoulders. Her eyes were a bright blue, and her thin lips were constantly coated in a red lipstick. She was what most guys at Baskerville wanted, despite her easiness to get. 

Irene Adler was not the type of girl I usually hung around. Yeah, I'd fooled around with her once or twice in the past, but there'd never been anything really there. We just got together when we were both bored and aroused. That was all there'd ever been. But now I knew I'd never been able to go there with her again. I was in love. Even if I was currently torn between hanging around or stopping whatever was going on with Mr. Holmes for good. As I said, she was what a lot of guys wanted, and yet her looks were incomparable to Mr. Holmes' beauty. Her eyes weren't as electrifying, her words weren't as deep and knowing, and her body was too slim and too feminine. What I once looked for in a woman was completely obliterated by an image of Mr. Holmes. I shook the thought out of my mind as the food was served, and together Irene and I ate at a private booth. 

"You need to get your mind off of her, you know," Irene said finally.


"This girl you're thinking of," Irene said as though I was stupid. "It's destructive."

"Yeah, you're probably right," I sighed and sat back in my seat, stretching my legs under the table across to the other side. "If only it were that easy though."

"Hmm, I know what you mean."

"You've been in love?" I half-scoffed. 

"Yes!" She replied defensively. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?"

"I don't know you just seem so... Detached from everyone else. You're with a different person every week."

"Well, I have been in love. Only once. And what a bitch of a thing it was," Irene tipped her glass of juice towards me before taking a drink. 

"Hear, hear. But seriously, who'd you fall in love with?"

Irene fidgeted, seemingly uncomfortable. Nonetheless, she replied. "A person called Harry."

"Harry, you say?"

"Yeah. Harry Watson." Irene smiled and shook her head. "We met ages ago at a party, but Harry already has a girlfriend."

"Ooh, that's gotta hurt."

"Sure does. I still think of Harry every day."

"Well, I hope it gets better for you. I'm learning for myself that love's not as easy and fun as people say it is."

We finished eating, got up and then continued the journey back to Baskerville. Irene turned up the radio and began blasting some music which I'd not heard before. Over the course of knowing Mycroft - I mean, Mr. Holmes - I'd stopped listening to modern music and started listening to his style of music instead. It gave me something to talk about with him and songs like Kathy's Song by Simon and Garfunkel reminded me of the previous date. I made a mental note to delete that song off of my phone when I got back to Baskerville. 

I laughed as Irene sang along to the music, nodding her head in time to the tune, tapping her fingers against the steering wheel. I decided that I kind of liked her company. She was, in a way, happy-go-lucky when she wasn't around other people, and I could see she was making an effort to make me smile, which she was definitely succeeding at doing. 

We got back to Baskerville at last. I stifled a yawn as I got out of Irene's car - it being half past twelve at night and all - and leaned in to smile at her. "Thanks for rescuing me. I really appreciate it, Irene."

"Any time, Greg. We should hang out again sometime though, it's been fun."

"Definitely. I'll catch you later?"

I parted ways with Irene and walked back to my dorm, sneaking through the building as quietly as possible. I got back to my room and flicked on the light, immediately being met by the voice of a disgruntled Anderson. 

"Turn the damn light off, you bloody pillock!" He shouted from his bed, one arm covering his eyes, the other grabbing the pillow out from under his head, hurling it across the room at my face. 

"Oh calm down you drama queen," I replied, grabbing the pillow mid-air, throwing it back to Anderson. 

I turned the light off again and used the torch on my phone to navigate my way to my bed. I pulled off my jeans, jumper, and shirt, and climbed into bed in nothing but my pants and socks; Greg style. 

"How was the date?" Anderson asked from his bed. 

"Shut up, I want to sleep," I said, my voice muffled by my pillow. 

"I was just asking."

"Well it was shit. Thanks heaps for asking."

"You're welcome."

I rolled my eyes and forced my mind to shut down and allow me sleep. Hopefully all would be forgotten the next day.

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