Twenty One

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A/N: Hey hey everyone! I'll be honest - I chickened out on this chapter. I was going to add in sexual stuff but I kind of like it how they're just enjoying each other's company at the moment. But if you guys want that sort of stuff, let me know and I'll add it in in the next chapter. On the side (maybe, I'm not sure with this newer 'works' layout) there should be a video of Kathy's Song by Simon and Garfunkel. I had to give Mycroft my music tastes in this, I feel he'd be a S&G kinda guy. But yeah, Kathy's song is really rather beautiful so I recommend listening to it! I love you all and I hope you're all having wonderful days or nights, and p.s - I'm so sorry about the salmon part I know nothing about salmon or how to cook it :P



Everything Mycroft had was amazing. His house was amazing, his shower was amazing, he was amazing.

As I'd already told him, Mycroft's house was a mansion. No matter how he denied it, there was no doubt about it. The place was huge and open, with fluffy white carpets and modern furniture. There was a fireplace in the main room, within it a fire fully ablaze. Everything was beautiful, exquisite, and hugely reflecting the owner himself. I went into the upstairs bathroom and turned on the shower, looking at myself for a moment in the mirror. My hair was all mussed up from the game and kissing Mycroft, and there was mud on my face. I turned around and turned on the shower, and to my surprise - and yet in some contradictory way I wasn't surprised at all - the water was hot immediately.

I stripped off my clothes and got into the shower. It was surprisingly spacious, probably able to fit at least another person. I smirked to myself. That could be fun. The streams of water were strong and massaged my back. It was so great I let out an embarrassing moan. If only they had those showers in Baskerville. 

I washed my hair and my body (the latter of which I made sure I'd cleaned thoroughly) before begrudgingly turning the shower off, getting out and drying myself off. I got back into my clothes and tried to tidy my hair which stuck up at all angles. I managed to smooth it down, and then I headed back downstairs.

I found Mycroft in the kitchen, with his back towards me. He hadn't noticed me behind him, so I quietly sat down on the stool behind the kitchen island and watched him move around, occasionally glancing at his bum which looked glorious albeit hidden under his trousers and pants. It looked like he was trying to cook salmon. And by the sounds of it, it wasn't going too well. Every so often he'd curse under his breath, something about how if it was a person he'd have it instantaneously incarcerated. At that, I let out a chuckle, unable to help myself. Mycroft spun around quickly. 

"Greg!" He gasped. "How long have you been there for?!"

"A while," I said, continuing to chuckle. "Do you want help?"

"No, it's fine," Mycroft said quickly. I'd thought he couldn't get anymore brutally handsome, and then I saw his sheepish look and proved myself wrong.

"You sure?"


"Because you sound like you're having a bit of trouble there."

Mycroft sighed and gestured towards the cooker. "Go on, then."

I chuckled again and wandered over to the cooker. "Mycroft?" 

"Yes, Gregory?" He replied in his 'teacher' voice. 

"What were you aiming to make?"

"Crispy salmon."

"You know this isn't at all how you do it, right?"


"Do you know how to make salmon?"

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