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A/N - Sorry it's such a short chapter, especially for such a long wait! I wasn't too satisfied with this chapter and didn't want to really rush stuff with our boys, so I decided that less was best. Thank you, my darling lovelies, for all the support so far, I really appreciate it! Also thanks for all your kind messages and such, I'll get back to you all as soon as possible! I do enjoy chatting with you all! :) Also I've realised I use an awful lot of exclamation marks. I'm not sure about it, haha.



My heart raced in my chest and I was sure Mr. Holmes could feel it. I was expecting him to pull away, to tell me to fuck off, but instead his piercing green eyes continued to search mine. He gulped and looked away for a moment, before exhaling a breath. Mr. Holmes turned back, pressing a gentle kiss against my lips. "Yes, Mr. Lestrade. I do believe I am."

My grin at that moment must've been the biggest to ever spread over my face. I didn't know what to say, or even how to explain what compelled me to even go into Mr. Holmes' office like that, but I was so glad that I did.

Mr. Holmes leaned into kiss me once more, but just as his lips brushed against mine, there was a knock on the door. Mr. Holmes groaned, quickly pulling away to sit at his desk, and I sat down opposite him. "Come in!" He called.

His P.A Anthea walked in with a smile, though it faltered as she saw me. I raised my eyebrows at her in acknowledgement, looking as indifferent as I could despite the fact I wanted to explode with happiness.

"Yes, Anthea?" Mr. Holmes said with a bored tone, looking entirely composed.

"I-I was just coming to bring you in a coffee. I thought you might want one." She awkwardly held up a takeaway cup of coffee, and I fought the urge to laugh.

"Oh, I see. Thank you." Mr. Holmes stood up and began to walk over to her.

"Erm," I began, the situation becoming unbelievably awkward, "I think I'll just go-"

"No, I'm not finished talking with you, Mr. Lestrade," Mr. Holmes interrupted me, placing his hand on my shoulder to fully seat me again. He looked into my eyes, and his sparkled mischievously.

He moved his hand and continued over to his assistant - Anthea - and took the coffee from her hands. The woman left the room soon after, pathetically pink faced.

Mr. Holmes closed the door behind her and turned back to me, a smirk playing at his lips. "Now, Mr. Lestrade, where were we?"

He crouched down in front of me, pressing his lips against mine once more. Mr. Holmes' hands rested on my thighs, and I placed mine in his hair, pulling him in closer. His lips worked my mouth open and he - almost tentatively - slid his tongue in.

I moaned into his mouth, and his hand tightened on my thigh. "While I do love the fact that you're enjoying yourself, Mr. Lestrade," Mr. Holmes said, murmuring into my mouth, "I do believe it would be a rather bad look if Anthea were to hear such delicious moans coming from my office."

My hands tightened in Mr. Holmes' hair, and I a little growl sounded at the back of his throat. I raised an eyebrow. "You were saying, Sir?" I purred. 

Mr. Holmes kissed me once again, a kiss so quick yet sweet it left me dizzy-headed. "I'm just going to stop before I do go too far."

"Honestly, Sir, I wouldn't mind if you did."

Mr. Holmes smiled lazily at me before going over to his window. I got up and stood beside him, trying to control my breathing while running a hand through my hair to try and tame it. Also, needless to say, I was trying to remove the erection that pressed so insistently against the material of my pants and school trousers. Mr. Donahue, the rugby coach, was outside with his P.E class, watching as they ran laps. "I still can't believe I'm rugby captain," I said quietly, more to myself than to Mr. Holmes, even though I knew he heard me. "I didn't even make it to trials."

"You're an excellent player," he said after a pause. "There was no one better suited for the position than you."

I looked up at him and smiled, bumping my shoulder against his. "Thanks, that means a lot to me."

Mr. Holmes stepped away from the window, and placed one of his large hands on the small of my back, propelling me away from it too. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I'll let you go before Anthea begins to think about all this."

"That's probably for the best," I murmured back, picking up his other hand and kissing it gently. "I'll catch you later, yeah?"

"Definitely," Mr. Holmes chuckled, gently patting my bum as I walked out of his office. 

Anthea looked up from her phone at me as I passed through her office, but, deciding there was nothing particularly interesting about me that day, she looked back at her phone. 

'All in a day's work, Greg,' I thought to myself, 'All in a day's work.'

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