Thirty Six

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A/N - doing one of those common things where the meet-the-parent chapter is split into two. Erm, should be alright. OH! I need to tell you all, since there was some confusion and I didn't actually realise there would be, there have been issues regarding the chapters and which ones show and which ones don't, and that is for the fact that on my phone (and most likely, I suppose, everyone else's), the 'save' button has been moved and in its place is the 'publish' button. Which is rather inconvenient if you ask me especially because once that button is pressed, it's done. It's published. So when that happened, I deleted the chapter and kept writing it as a draft. Also I intend on having this story finished on the 25th of December, and let's be honest here, I love writing too much to end these fan fictions there, so what next? What do you guys want to read?  Please let me know! I love you all x



It was the night of meeting Mycroft's parents and I was a bit nervous. OK, I was so nervous that I felt like vomiting. I didn't know what to wear. 'They'll be really posh,' I thought to myself, 'I can't just show up in a t-shirt and shorts like I would with anyone else.'

"Why are you taking so long?" Anderson asked, looking up from his phone where he sat on his bed.

"Because," I said through gritted teeth, already annoyed, "I need to look good."

"You already do." I turned to look at Anderson, raising an eyebrow. "No homo, though," he quickly added.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, turning back to look at my clothes which were scattered around my bed and the floor surrounding it. My phone buzzed on my bed, sounding Mycroft's text alert. I dropped onto my bed and picked it up.

Nearly ready to go? My x

Almost. Are we going to be late? I responded quickly, biting my lip.

It'll be fine. Stop stressing. My x

I never said I was stressing.

I can feel it radiating off of you from the other side of the school, Greg. Chill out. My x

'Chill out?' Since when do you talk like that? I couldn't help but chuckle as I sent the message back, some of my stress leaving with its exhale.

Thought it sounded cool. Obviously I was mistaken. Meet me at the gates in ten. Your outfit will be fine, whatever you choose to wear. My parents are morons anyway, they'll not care. My x

I highly doubted they were morons. They were the parents of Mycroft Holmes, for goodness' sake. I opted for blue jeans and a mint coloured jumper over a white shirt, pulling the collar out. I looked in the bathroom window and combed my hair, watching as the loose curls fell back into place more tidily than beforehand.

"You look like someone I know," Anderson said as I came back out. "Who is it?" He pretended to think for a moment. "Oh yeah, my dad."

"Shut it, Phillip," I said, grabbing my leather coat, shoving my wallet and keys into its pocket before zipping it up. "Right, I'm off. I'll catch you later."

"Have fun, boy-toy."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door hard behind me.  I walked through the school towards the gates, and found most people had already gone for dinner. Some stragglers said hello to me as I passed them by and I greeted them politely before continuing on.

Mycroft was waiting in his car when I got to the gates, and I made sure no one was around before getting in the passenger seat. "You look amazing," Mycroft said as he started up the engine.

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