Twenty Eight

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A/N: I'm an absolute swine and I apologise for such a long wait. In and amongst being sick, working, and going camping, I've not had much time to update, but I have now! Thinking smut next chapter, but I dunno. Let me know your thoughts ;). Thanks heaps my pretties for reading, commenting, and voting. I adore you all. 

[Hopefully this publishes this time *grits teeth*]



"You look happy," Mike said as I joined him on the field later that morning for rugby practise.

"Huh?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"You look happy," he repeated. "In fact, you're positively glowing."

I snorted. "Dunno what you're talking about. C'mon, let's start running some laps so we can get started."

"I thought we were getting straight into defensive tactics," Mike said.

"Nope, we are running laps, thank you, Michael," I said with a light chuckle. Because if he talked about me being happy again, I was most likely undoubtedly going to spill the beans, and I could only imagine how that'd turn out...

'You look happy today, Greg. What's going on?'

'Well, Mike, I just gave the assistant headmaster a blowjob in his office and kissed him like I've never kissed anyone before. Also I intend to do it again before long.'

Yeah, I'm sure that'd be great, and Mike'd be real good about it. Note the sarcasm.

I started the team off by taking off in front, feeling lighter and faster than I ever had before. I got miles ahead of the others before they even began to run, and as I turned a corner to run back, I saw Mike shrug as he took off his glasses, throwing them carelessly on the ground. He began to follow and soon the others did too.

I ran until I began to get tired, by which stage all the other guys had already slowed to a walk, and ended up next to the gymnasium. "Alright lads!" I shouted as they finally came to a stop next to me. I clapped my hands together enthusiastically, and Anderson groaned.

"Why are you so happy? It's too bloody early for this rubbish."

"And it's too early for your voice, Anderson. Nevertheless, I am indeed in a good mood, so let's get started with the defense tactics!"

The guys groaned again. With a laugh, I turned to look at Mycroft's office window and saw him looking out. I waved at him, and when I squinted hard, I could see he was laughing too.

"Considering you've been in such a foul mood lately, I'm gonna make the assumption you've patched things up with your new missus," Mike said as he came over to me, patting me on the shoulder.

I turned back to him and rolled my eyes with a lazy grin. "Yeah, somethin' like that. Anyway, defense tactics! Get into positions, men, let's run through this!"

Practise ended, and much to the boys' happiness, they were able to soak their muscles in the shower. I, however, skipped and got straight into my school uniform, after, of course, drenching myself in body spray. I was just walking to class when the coach called me back.

"Greg! Can I've a word?" He shouted from behind me.

With a sigh I turned around and ran a hand through my hair, walking back over to him. "What is it, Sir?"

"What was that yesterday? You can't just run off like that, you know. You have obligations, Greg. You have expectations that I have willingly put upon you and-"

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