Thank You!!

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Thank Yous

I just want to say a huge thank you to each and everyone of you for your endless support. I know a lot of people say this and don't mean it, but I very truly appreciate each and everyone of you. Writing is the one constant thing I have in my life, it's the one thing that keeps me sane a lot of the time, keeps me alive, and the fact that you guys enjoy it makes it all the better to me. So thank you so much.

I have written the first chapter of a new Mystrade called "Tell Me Lies" which is a criminal Greg Lestrade vs British Government Mycroft Holmes, idea courtesy of Im_with_the_fandoms so here's to you, Love! I will also write everyone else's suggestions too though, because they're all fantastic.

Anyways, you can find the new story in my works or something, because I'm on my phone and you can't copy and paste links from here (as far as I know). Or just message me and I'll send you the link, should you so be inclined to read it :p

Anyways, again, thanks so much for everything, I love you all so much and you mean the world to me. Thanks for reading, voting, and your wonderful, encouraging comments. I mayn't reply to many - if any - because I'm incredibly awkward and find it very hard to interact with people, but I read each and everyone of them and I truly appreciate your words.


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