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(A/N thanks so much my lovelies for reading, please feel free to comment/vote/share! I love hearing from you all!



I stared down at the Chemistry work in front of me. The words and numbers jumbled in front of me, and it seemed as though I was the only one in the class who didn't know what I was doing. I dropped my head on the desk and groaned. I needed a tutor.

Just when I thought my mind was about to implode, a knock sounded in the door. I looked up and saw the rugby coach enter the room. The man looked uneasy, his lips pulled into a tight line and he wrung his hands together nervously. He looked around the class and finally met my gaze.

"Are you looking for someone?" The teacher asked.

"Erm, yeah," he licked his lips. "Can I borrow Greg for a minute?"

I stood up, my chair scraping along the carpet as I went. Everyone watched as I left, my friends letting out a chorus of "ooh!'s" and "aah!'s."

I smirked at them before leaving the class. "What's up, Coach?" I asked, leaning against the wall. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched him.

"I've decided to give you a chance," he said, before quickly adding: "as rugby captain, I mean."

"I... You... What?"

"No one who did the trials really caught my attention, and I know how much you wanted the position." He shrugged.

"I-I didn't even trial though! I was late!"

The coach laughed. "Are you telling me you don't want the position? Look, you know you've been in my teams for two years now. You're my best player."

I grinned wildly at the man, and before either of us realised what I was doing, I had picked the man up and twirled him around. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You won't regret it, Sir, I promise!"

"I better not, Greg. Now put me down," he said, though laughing.

I did as he said, and he shook my hand before walking away, shaking his head fondly. I slid down the wall to the ground, shaking with excitement. The grin on my face was so wide it hurt, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

It all seemed a bit weird, suddenly becoming rugby captain after doing nothing to get it. I guess the coach was right, I was driven, and I wouldn't deny it, I was a damn good player. I lifted my head, still grinning, just in time to see Mr. Holmes walking the other way down the hall.

I finally went back into the class, still smiling. Chemistry didn't seem to matter anymore. I was the team captain!


"Drinks in my room tonight, Lads!" I said as I sat down in the cafeteria, my friends all around me.

"Eh? What for?" Mike asked.

"I'm captain of the rugby team!"

Mike had attended trials, and I could see he was disappointed, but he grinned anyway. "Congratulations, man!"

Everyone else cheered for me too. All except... "Where's Jenny?" I asked, looking around for my girlfriend.

"Haven't seen her," Sally said. I looked at her and she shrugged. There was something else there though, a knowing look in her eyes that had me inwardly questioning her. Anyway I shrugged it off. I was too happy to care, anyway.


The music was loud and so was everyone who attended my party that evening - which was basically all the guys and girls in my year.

Even Jenny showed up, and was all over me. I didn't know why, I supposed it was because every other girl there had been making passes at me all night.

Kissing Jenny wasn't the same anymore, not that I knew why. She seemed too sloppy, too persistent. It just didn't feel nice. Eventually I had enough and practically pushed her away. It was Friday night and I wanted to have fun, not worry about my girlfriend woes. I moved away to dance with Mike, and saw Jenny walk off in a huff. Oh well.

The music kept playing and I kept dancing, forgetting about Jenny. I was rugby captain. As long as I had rugby, and everything I'd worked so hard for, I was happy.

Eventually, everyone returned to their respective rooms, except for Anderson, who snuck off with Sally. He was a weasel, that one. I was sure he had another girl on the side too.

I went to the bathroom before I went and collapsed on my bed. I covered my eyes with my arm and smiled drowsily. I was rugby captain. I giggled to myself and cringed at how high pitched it was. 'I really need some sleep,' Ithought to myself.

I lay there for a few minutes on my single bed. I really was too tall for it. My leg dangled off the side, and my fingers brushed along the ground. God, I hoped nothing grabbed me from under my bed. That would be positively unfortunate. "Jeez," I muttered deeply, pulling my limbs back to onto my bed. I wasn't going to risk it.

I closed my eyes and tried to make myself comfortable. It really wasn't working. I bounced my legs on the bed, making the whole thing wobble, and I still couldn't get comfortable.

'Alright, Greg, let's face it. You're not going to get comfortable, and you're not going to sleep,' Itold myself.

I sat there for another moment, contemplating life and other matters - like if monkeys would have pets, before I rolled off the bed and onto the ground.

I pulled myself up and pulled on my coat. I stepped out into the cold corridor. Everyone had since gone to bed, or to their rooms at least, not wanting to risk a detention. It was silent as I wandered down the corridor, trying to avoid squeaking floorboards. The moonlight shone through the windows, lighting up the ground ahead of me.

I snuck down the stairs and out the door, finally outside. No one had caught me. Though in saying that, no one ever did. I wandered to the gymnasium, sitting on the stands.

Mr. Holmes' light was on in his office, and I frowned. How many hours did the man spend in there?

I continued to look through the window, subconsciously trying to see if I could see him, or his silhouette at least. And for a long while, I didn't think I would see him, until finally, his shadow passed by the window, and the light was flicked off.

Five minutes later I saw the door leading outside open, and I leaned back a bit so I wouldn't be caught. No one was allowed out after curfew which was ten o'clock PM. And ten o'clock PM passed by two hours and forty-five minutes ago.

I pushed my body back and moved my head forward, trying to conceal as much of me as I could without having to disturb my view of the teacher. I tilted my head forward, and watched him coming out the door.

His coat hung over his shoulder, and his white shirt almost had an illuminated glow. He turned his head, as though feeling I was there, and I froze. Every part of me screamed at me to move, but I couldn't. I didn't. His eyes met mine, and I knew he could see me. He tilted his head to the side inquiringly, before tapping at his wrist. I frowned before realising he was tapping his watch. But he didn't seem angry, or like he was going to come over to me and scream at me to go to my dorm room. I nodded, and he kept walking.

I pulled myself back up as he rounded the corner to the teacher carpark, and grinned. Mr. Holmes was something to behold.

The Assistant Headmaster (Mystrade Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now