Thirty Two

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A/N: Really short chapter, but I intend on updating again before the day is through. I would just like to extend my greatest sympathies to all those in Paris especially (but also Japan and I think I heard something about Lebanon too) who have lost their lives today or have been affected by it in any way, though in saying that, I'm absolutely heartbroken and I know no one there personally nor do I live there. I was looking at the demographic stats for this (bloody awesome to see, by the way. Feel free to let me know where you're all from at some stage, it's really interesting), and I see I do in fact have some French readers. Please let me know you're all alright and if there's anything I can do for you. I love you all so very much.



I pulled away from Mycroft like I'd been shocked. Mike stood in the doorway, wide eyed and gaping.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" His gaze travelled from me to Mycroft, and back again. I saw him swallow hard. "You know what, I don't even wanna know. I'm leaving."

He turned and walked off quickly. Mycroft was tense beside me. I looked at him for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Did I stay with him or try find Mike? "Shit," I muttered, running a hand through my hair. "I've got to go find him."

"Greg-" Mycroft sighed, but I ignored him and raced out the door. I didn't want to hear what he'd say, whether it became a 'this is too dangerous, it's over,' or a 'he'll be fine, just leave it.' My heart raced in my chest as I followed Mike down the hall.

"Mike!" I shouted at him. I saw him stiffen, but he didn't turn around or acknowledge me in any other way. People stared as I called out to him again. "Mike, wait! Please!"

"Lovers tiff?" One of my rugby players, Dimmock, said as he passed me by.

"Oh, fuck off, you stupid twat." I don't think I'd ever been so rude in my life. "Mike!"

I broke into a jog - wondering why I hadn't done that earlier - and slowly closed in on Mike.

"Oh for fucks sake," I heard him say, just as he reached his room. He quickly opened it just as I reached out to grab him. He ducked inside and locked the door behind him.

"Mike, please," I said.

"Just piss off, Greg. I don't want to know. I'm your best friend, how could you do that to me?!"

I frowned from the other side of the door. What did he mean? "I-I'm sorry, Mike. I should've said something."

There was a muffled groan. "God, Greg!" He exploded. "You don't understand a single thing, do you?!"

"Then tell me, Mike!" I shouted back. "For the love of God, tell me!"

I heard him sigh tiredly. "You wouldn't understand. Just go away, Greg. Please."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you're thinking. We can't leave it like this. We just can't."

The door was pulled open with such a force I nearly fell back in surprise. Mike's face was bright red and his breath came out in angry puffs. Yep, he was pretty pissed off. "I swear to God, Greg, if you don't piss off right now, I am seriously going to punch you in the fucking face."

I doubted if I'd ever seen him so angry. But about what? Why was he so upset? He wouldn't actually punch me, would he? "No," I said defiantly. "I'm not leaving until we talk about this."

The realisation of why he was angry hit me as hard as his fist as it connected with my face, sending me to the ground. I wasn't the only one who liked the assistant headmaster...

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