Chapter One - Locked Inside

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Chapter One - Locked Inside

          The metal clanged as he pushed the jail door shut, twisting the lock close, after shoving her inside. Safia didn't try to fight him. No, she didn't even move an inch. She was just lying there on the cold floor, staring at the open space. Why was she letting him do this to her? Why wasn't she trying to escape?

          I banged the gray, metal door in front of me with my fists. "Let her go!" I yelled at him, trying to rip the door open, not caring if it hurt my ears. If only this door hadn't been standing between him and me, I could've stopped him from locking Safia inside. There were five small gaps on the door in front of me, so I could see her through it, but that was all I could do. I couldn't help her. I couldn't protect her from him. "You promised, Aiden! You promised!"

          He looked over his shoulder with his brows furrowed. "Yeah, I promised." He chuckled, walking towards me, his long, dark blue coat's back flap flying as he turned around. "I did save her from the magisters and take her safely away from Aethelgard, right?" He bent down a little to meet my gaze, his gray eyes meeting my brown ones.

          "Liar!" I pummeled the door with my fists again. "How can you be so cruel?" I screamed at his face.

          His smirk only got bigger. "Trust me, you little rat, I can get worse." Then he unlocked the door between us and grabbed my wrist with his cold hand, dragging me away from Safia.

          I tried hitting him as hard as I could, with all the force I could muster, but it wasn't affecting him, not even the slightest bit. What would I expect from my frail, little body? "Let me go, you monster!" I kicked his legs and stomped on his feet; I fought and fought, but it was as if he didn't feel anything I did to him, as if I was a fly trying to hurt a lion.

          He made a tsk sound then scooped me up before we left the whole dungeon, putting me on his shoulder, his back facing my face.

          The coldness of his body spread through my body, making me shiver a little, but, of course, I didn't flinch. No, I would never let him find out. "Argh, put me down!" I pounded my small fists on his hard back, covered by his smooth, long coat. This was irritating! What did he think I was? A toy? No! I wouldn't leave this room without Safia! "I'm not leaving this dungeon without my friend, Aiden!"

          "And who told you that you could choose where to go?" he taunted, his voice hoarse.

          "My freedom!" I yelled, slamming my fists on his back again.

          He chuckled, probably rolling his eyes. "Your freedom?" he repeated. "Seriously? You're in my castle, my territory, and no, I won't tell you to shut your mouth and just follow my orders, 'cause you'll learn to do that on your own. Disobey me, and you'll get hurt soon."

          Get hurt soon... I knew he was serious, but I couldn't just let him lock Safia in there. That would kill her, especially after all she had been through.

          "She needs me..." I whispered, resting my forehead on his back. I was tired, too. I hadn't rested since I woke up today. Everything had happened so fast, and my body couldn't keep up anymore. Besides, what could I do against this strong man who could even turn into a dragon? "Where are you taking me?" I asked as he walked calmly through the halls, his hand placed on my back.

          He didn't answer.

          "Stay put," he mumbled as he removed his hand from my back and slid it inside his coat pocket.

          As soon as his hand was in his pocket, I jumped and made a run for the door where we came from, hoping I'd find an exit by running through random doors. Who did he think he was talking to? Some little girl with no guts? Ha! But, before I got the chance to open the door, I was scooped up, and my stomach landed on his shoulder with a thud. I didn't yelp in pain. No, that'd boost his huge ego and make him think he was good at this. No way! I'd save Safia and get her out of this place first before I'd let him do anything to me.

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