Chapter Twenty-Five - Divided, They Fall

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  • Dedicated to Eurielle R. Santos

Chapter Twenty-Five - Divided, They Fall

          "Over there!"

          He turned to the left and smashed the wall with his head, and the one that appeared in front of us when the wall crumbled, and the next.

          "Are we getting closer?"

          I closed my eyes and let my ears take lead. "Yes. Keep moving forward and we'll get to them soon."

          Nodding, he bellowed and flapped his wings harder. I held on to the back of his neck, my full attention on finding the magisters. I trusted Aiden. I knew he would deal with the students that we occasionally came across. Besides, what could I do to help him aside from telling him where the remaining magisters are?

          "What on earth are we doing here, Mitena? Standing here and waiting for them to come. I want to kill them!" the impatient head magister screeched. "Cover these pillars in flames and shove the flaming pillars up their mouths. Yes, ram it up there! ...And tear their bodies apart, piece by piece as they watch each other meet their death."

          I gripped on Aiden's back, making him slow down a little.

          "They're here," I told him. "They're behind that wall,"—I pointed the wall in front of us—"waiting for us."

          He groaned inwards. "Stay here. I need to know you're safe. I'll come back for you when—"

          "Definitely not, Aiden," I retorted, making sure I spoke directly through his mind and not from my mouth, or else, they would hear us coming. "I didn't go all this way just to stay safe somewhere else while you're fighting magisters alone. We've gone too far not to take risks, Aiden. And, besides, I can help you. I'll keep them distracted."

          "You're staying here. No discussion."

          "Aiden, please! We can do this together. I can feel it." I sighed. "Just...just trust me. Have faith in me, in the both of us."

          He was silent for a long while, then he said, "Fine, but you'll do exactly as I say."

          I leaned down the back of his head and planted a sweet kiss on it. "Thank you," I whispered.

          "Ready to barge in?"

          I smiled. "I've never been more ready in my entire life."

          With a strong flap of his wings, he crashed through the wall and dashed behind Magister Mitena. Icicles grew from his teeth, extending and sharpening his deadly fangs. He screeched.

          A wall of fire stood in our way.

          He tried to bite Magister Mitena's head off, but to no avail; he had to bring his head away from the fire, or we would both suffer from unnecessary pain.

          She ran away from Aiden and stood in a fighting stance.

          "What do you think you're doing, you blasted scoundrels?" Magister Elfreda shrieked.

          His head tilted to look over his shoulder, then he snarled, "Ending the senseless existence of everyone in your disgusting castle."

          "How...dare you say that to my face!"

          The wall of fire blazed as her anger grew. Fireballs flew from all directions, and boulders rained down, causing the ground to shake.

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