Chapter Nineteen - Departure

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Chapter Nineteen - Departure

          I opened my eyes and yawned, trying to sit up, but I couldn't. I touched my lips, and they felt swollen. I also felt pain down below as I tried to get off my bed to get my clothes that were scattered on the floor. Picking up my dress and underwear from the floor made me blush, as this was something I had never experienced before. I was sore in more places than one; however, the person who caused all this pain to me was apparently out of sight.

          It was demeaning that Aiden had left even before I woke up. Couldn't he wait for me to wake up? Couldn't he at least leave a letter that would explain his hastened departure? I felt dejected and a little disappointed. Perhaps I shouldn't have expected our lives to take a sharp turn after our little session of making love last night. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have had to endure this irritating feeling.

          On the contrary, last night was amazing. It was special. I could say that, last night, he had pleased every single part of my being, and I wanted nothing more than to spend another night like that before I died. There were sparks, fireworks exploding in the sky as we indulged in each other's arms. Every breath I took now relied on him, as though he was my lifeline. It was as if those things inside me that I couldn't understand where now given explanations, a new meaning, those I thought useless given a purpose, those I considered senseless now given perfect sense. Every breath I took now relied on him, as though he was my lifeline.

          After I changed into a new dress that was not too revealing, much to my liking, the door swung open, and Aiden came inside carrying a wooden tray that held a glass of milk and a plate of bread and butter. He flashed a smile at me, oblivious to the thoughts I had had a few minutes earlier.

          "Good morning," he greeted warmly.

          I nodded. "Good morning."

          "I brought you breakfast," he said, then he placed the tray on the desk beside my bed and sat beside me on the bed, a bright smile beaming on his face. "How are you feeling?"

          "Fine," I answered. "I feel...eager to talk about my going to Aethelgard."

          He sighed, massaging his temples with his fingertips. "Can't it wait? We're just starting to be bonded together. We have to wait for the bond to strengthen."

          "Our deal was you'd let me leave if I let you have your way with me," I stated. "Please, Aiden."

          "There was no deal."

          What? So he still wasn't letting me go? What about what he promised me last night? "You lied to me again?" I gasped.

          He answered me with a shake of his head. "There was no official deal, but I'm letting you leave because that's what you want, and I want to give you as much as I can give; however..."


          "The problem is I don't know how to get you there safely without anyone knowing, and how you're going to survive in that castle without me."

          I kept quiet and tried to think of a way to convince him that I could do this, that he could have faith in me. "It's a leap of faith, Aiden. You have to trust me."

          He rested his chin between his forefinger and his thumb, in deep thought. "Chaucer will be going with you," he said, "but you will still have to stay connected with me. I will always check up on you."


          "Through this."

          I jumped away from him in surprise, almost toppling down the tray placed on my desk. He had spoken to me without opening his mouth, without really uttering a word. The words were sent directly to my brain, through a magical passageway which only he and I could use.

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