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"Please Maya just give me one chance" I beg. She looks at me and opens her mouth but then closes it. She did that like three times until she spoke.

"How do I know you won't cheat on me like you did with every single girl?" she asked. I sighed.

"Maya I've done some stuff I'm not proud of but we all make mistakes Maya. But, I really like you so please give me one chance." I say. She then think for a second.

"Okay" she breathes out. A smile creeps onto my face.

"Really?" I ask. She nods....

"And that's how we became Lucas and Maya. I love you with all my heart and I kept my promise then and I plan on continuing to keep it." I say and she smiles with a tear going down my face. The pastor then talks about some stuff but?I was focusing on Maya until I had to talk.

"I do" I say and then I continue to look at Maya as she says "I do" and we then hear "You may now kiss the bride" Translation. SHE'S FINALLY MINE FOREVER. I then grab her and kiss her like so(above).

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin