Cut Deeper....continued

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Maya POV
His words still rung in my head.

'Maybe you should cut deeper.' Did he really mean that? I just can't believe he said that. Cut deeper. I sigh and go to the pool.

Once I get to the pool, I grab the rope and two weights and tie them together. I then tie the rope to my waist and put the weights at the bottom of the pool dragging me with it. I like to take the time and relax. Shit,what the fuck am I doing? I can't end my life like this. I try my hardest to untie the knot, damn I'm good at tying knots. I then feel two hands where mines are helping me untie it, Lucas! He then unties me and we swim to the top. I gasp for air.

"Thank you Lucas." I say. I then start coughing.

"Maya, I didn't mean what I said. I only f-do that to girls because, I'll never get the one I love." He says, I sigh.

"I'll never be the perfect girl he wants." He looks at me with a smile. Did I say that out loud? He then pulls me close and looks me in my eye.

"Your perfect in my eyes." He says, he then smashes his lips onto mine. I then kiss back with no problem.

Next up Fanfics836 request.

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin