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It's 2016! Yeah I'm so ready for a new year, new start, new not. Farkle just screamed 'Riley still loves Lucas!' making me throw my ring at her and run off. It's like Farkle doesn't care about my feelings, is what I feel not important? I guess not, so you know what? Fuck feelings.

"Maya!" I heard Riley scream behind me, we haven't talked in two weeks and I like to keep it that way so I continued to walk towards my locker. That is until she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Hey Maya I've been calling you and-"

"I know, I got the 37 voicemails, 87 texts and 50 missed calls." I say blankly turning back around until she grabs my shoulder turning me around again, "So why didn't you text or call me back?" she asked as if she didn't know.

"What do you not know?" I asked her while she shook her head.

I let out a cold laugh, "Can you at least take back the ring I gave you? Remem-ber we never take it off?" She said taking it out of her skirt pocket.

"Keep it Riley." I say walking away and taking everything I was going to put in my locker with me. I'm not going to be bombarded with questions, that's just not okay...she doesn't even know or get it.

"Hey Maya." I hear Farkle say smiling at me, I roll my eyes and sit down.

"So your not going to talk to me?" He asked, I looked at him and smiled before writing on a piece of paper and handing it to him.

"No." He read aloud, I smiled and nodded.

"Well can you tell me why your not talking to me?" He asked me while I didn't move or respond.

"Maya answer me." He said.

"At least tell me what's wrong? What did I do?"


"Maya, can you write something to me at least?" He asked me, I smiled and grabbed my pencil tapping it on the desk while he kept trying to get my attention.

I then began to write, "Maya at least-" that's when I smacked the paper on his chest.

"Farkle shut your mother f-oh." He said mumble-reading it fast.

"Okay then." He said while I rolled my eyes and stood up from my desk, I then walked to the back of the class as everyone piled in and Farkle just gave me a look and sat down. They are literally acting as if nothing happened, I rolled my eyes at the memory and placed my textbook in the floor. I saw Riley walk in and give me a sad look as she saw where I sat and sat down. Mr.Matthews walked in the class and looked at me, he raised a eyebrow and I just looked beside me to see Charlie.

"Hey Charlie." I said to him.

"Hey Maya, are you okay?" He asked me.

"It's funny, your the only person that's asked me that." I said honestly. He reaches his hand onto mine and squeezed it, I smiled at him and he smiled back. The door then opened but I didn't pay attention, I just like the company I'm enjoying right now.

"Friar your late." I heard Mr.Matthews say.

"Yeah I am, sorry I missed the train and-" But he stopped talking for some reason and I looked to see him staring at Charlie and I. I looked into his eyes and and I could see it was mixed with anger, jealousy, and confusion. I cleared my throat and looked over at Charlie who was staring at me.

"Mr.Frair?" Mr.Matthews said.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm sorry." He said and sat down.

"Okay class happy 2016 everyone!" He cheered and the class followed by five people counting myself, I don't need to explain who.

"I hope everyone had a good time." He said with a smile. The same people cheered and the same people didn't.

"Well let's start off the year right, let's go around the class saying what happened over the break." He said still cheery, I shifted uncomfortably and Charlie squeezed my hand for support.

"I'll start," He started clearing his throat, "I had a lovely break with my wife since we went to the Caribbean." he said smiling.

Then it was Sarah's turn, "I hung out with my boyfriend and my best friend." she said with a smile.

"I hung out with Yogi...and Sarah." Darby said staring at Yogi.

"I went to six parties."

"I went to New Mexico."

"I helped out at my mom's job, which is at the nursery home."

Then it was Riley's turn, "Um...I had a party." she said with a fake smile.

"I went to my beach house that my mom owned." Parker said.

Then it was Farkle's turn, "I helped out a friend." he smiled and I silently scoffed. I guess Charlie heard because he let out a silent chuckle and rubbed his thumb over my hand.

Then Lucas, "Uh..I talked to my Pappy Joe." he said with a smile. Other kids went until it was my turn. Riley, Farkle, and Lucas's eyes were now on me.

I couldn't think of what to say, "Maya?" Mr.Matthews asked. I then looked at him, "What happened good over the break?" he asked. After he asked that, the whole class looked at me.

"Pass." I say.

"'Maya you can't-"

"Yeah well things change." I said, he sighed and looked at Charlie who was next to me.

"I went to visit my grandma." He said with a smile.

"Well I-"

"Actually," I started and cut off Selena, "I did do something that was good over the break." I said with a smile. Everyone then looked back at me, "I found out who was my real friends." I said smiling at Charlie, "And who was just there to be there." I said looking back at the three. Too bad Zay wasn't here, I think he's coming next period. It was then silent and the bell rung, grabbed my backpack that I still yet to put up and stood up.

"Hey want to walk to class together?" Charlie asked, I smiled, interlaced our fingers, and nodded.

"I'd love to." I said walking out the door. We then walked to art and I smiled as it was my favorite class. But, I sit next to Riley so I had to ask Mrs.D-F if she would let me move seats.

"Sure, as long as that doesn't distract your amazing talents." She said with a smile and I nodded.

I sat at the empty seat next to Charlie, I never realized how alone he was.

"Hey Charlie, I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you." I said with a smile.

"No it's fine...this is actually the first time someone's talked to me this long." He said with a small smile but with an amount of sadness. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"It's okay Charlie." I said while a full smile came on his face. Then everyone else came piling in.

Part 2 will be up soon.

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin