Spilled nail polish

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6 months, 6 months pregnant. This baby is kicking so much, its a girl so she's probably going to be a cheerleader. I reached for the nail polish when it fell.

"Shit." I say, I then bend down to clean it but I end up groaning. I hear some foot steps.

"What happened?"Lucas asked.

"Dropped the nail polish." I sigh, he chuckles.

"What's funny?" I ask.

"You remember when we first met?" He asks, I smile.

"How could I forget?"

[Flash back]
Maya was walking with her friends when she bumped into Lucas, when she did that, there was a milkshake all over him.

"Oh I'm sorry." They say in unison.

"No its my fault." They say again, at the same time. They then awkwardly laugh.

"Let me clean that off." She says grabbing a napkin, she then rubs it, making it worse.

"I'm just making to worse aren't I?" I ask.

"Yeah, but its cute when you try?" He asks, I blush.

"Well see you around, blonde beauty." He says winking and walking off. Maya bit her lip.
[Flashback over]

"Yeah." They say in unison.

"What about our first break up?" I ask, he sighs.

[Going back again]
Maya was walking with Josh, again. Lucas became very jealous of their 'friendship' he believed they were cheating. Maya almost fell but Josh tried to catch her falling with her, Josh was on top of her and she was laughing. Lucas walked in on the act and balled up his fist.

"What the hell!" He screamed. They looked his way.

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin