Time Machine App

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I was on my phone playing Spinning Circle (download that game everyone) bored. I look over at Riley who was sitting on Lucas's lap. I sigh and go back to my phone. I hear fast footsteps and can tell it's Farkle.

"Guys....have.....you...heard" He starts out of breath.

I pat his back, "Thank you." he says finally catching his breath.

"Your welcome now what was you talking about?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah, have you heard if the the new app I made with Smackle?" He asks, I know he doesn't like Smackle and so does Zay and Smackle. He likes Riley. Smackle and Farkle are just friends.

"No but I know your going to tell us," I look over at Riley who was making out with Lucas.

"Well me and Zay." I say.

"Zay and I you mean." Farkle corrects me. I grab his shirt and he screams like a little girl.

"Did you just correct me?" I ask.

"Lucas!" Farkle screams for help, I feel two strong hands on my waist, I sigh because I know it's Lucas.

"Oh, he got his hands on her, it's about to go rated R in this piece." He says, I look over at him and shake my head. Zay, Farkle, Smackle and I have gotten close so they know all my secrets, we know everyone secrets.

"Let go of Farkle." He whispers, I shudder and let go of him.

"I'm not done with you, I'll get my revenge." I say, I then smirk as I know exactly what I'm going to do. I turn around about to talk to Zay where I see Riley sitting on Lucas again. I turn back around.

"So,this app." I say encouraging Farkle.

"Oh yeah, it's called 'The Time Zone' ha." He says extending the a in ha.

"How does this work?" Zay asks.

"Well, first everyone download it." He says, I nod and download it. Five minutes later we all downloaded it and we're looking back at Farkle.

"Now, you press your finger on the square and it'll take us 12 years later in time." I look at him.

"We'll be twenty-eight?" I question.

"Well Lucas will be twenty-nine." Zay corrects, I squint my eyes at him.

"Smackle." I say teasingly, Farkle laughs. His eyes widen and he stands up grabbing my and Farkle's arm taking us to a corner where they can't hear us, not that they care.

"W-who told you?" Zay asks scared.

"No one, I had my suspicions that you liked her so I asked Farkle and he said he was thinking the same." I say, Farkle then nods indicating he agrees with me.

"Please don't tell Smackle." He whispers.

"Don't tell Smackle what?" Smackle asks.

"Uh, uh." Zay says.

"Yeah, don't tell Smackle what?" Lucas asks, Riley holding his hand. We look at Riley's hand and they look at me. (not including Lucas)

"Don't tell Smackle the gift that we were going to give you." I say smiling making Zay and Farkle nod.

"Yep." Zay agrees.

"Uh huh." Farkle backs us up. Smackle looks at us for a second and I give her a 'it'll all be explained later' look. She nods and links arms with me.

"Later." I say, she smiles. We then sit down.

"Back to this app."Farkle says, I lay on Smackle for comfort.

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin