Walk out that door...part 2

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Third Person POV
Maya woke up (in the morning then I dabb) in Riley's bed and yawned. She had stayed over Riley's for two days but she knew she had to get her stuff soon. So she decided to get it today, she put in her jacket and heels while Riley was making sure she wanted to go alone.

"Are you really sure?" She asked, Maya looked at her.

"Am I sure I want to see him or am I sure I want to go alone?" Maya asked.

"Both." Riley said softly, Maya looked at her while Riley just hugged her.

"Call me if anything happens." Riley said making Maya nod. She walked out the door but before she did she knocked on the wall twice.

Maya used her key to unlock the door and she took a look around, there was broken beer bottles, furniture was thrown everywhere, there was holes in the walls. Maya turned on the light and a figure came out of the hallway.

"Hey turn off the light." He mumbled covering his eyes, she kept the light on but he removed his hands.

"Maya." He whispered, she looked at him speechless. He was a hot mess; his hair was messier, he limped whenever he walked, his voice had a slur to it as well.

"Maya I missed you." Lucas slurred walking over to the frozen blonde. He hugged her and she smelt the alcohol on him.

"Have you been drinking?" She asked him, he shook his head but started laughing.

"Maya I miss you so much, I'm glad you came-"

"Lucas I'm leaving." Maya said interrupting him.

"No your not." He said shaking his head.

"Yes I am." She said pushing him off and walking to their-oops his room. He followed, he couldn't believe her words, did she really mean that? Maybe the alcohol got to him.

"Maya you don't mean that." He said chuckling.

"I do, look this was obviously a bad idea so I'll just go." Maya said dropping her shirt and leaving her keys. She then walked past him but he did something he wished he didn't...he grabbed her hair and smacked her. She was so shocked, it left a red mark and her eyes filled with tears.

"Maya I'm s-" But it was too late, she ran out the door.

"DAMN IT!" He shouted punching the picture frame leaving tiny pieces of glass in his knuckles. He looked at the picture, it was of him and Maya. She sat on his lap laughing while he was talking to Zay. They were so happy...who knows what happened. Oh yeah, Lucas fucked up! He groaned and placed the picture on the dresser.

•Five Years Forward 😂😂
•Maya's POV•
"Thank you so much." I told the lady while she smiled and handed me the check. Another painting sold, I smiled at it...it was a blonde girl with her head on a guys shoulder. I felt an arm around my waist and looked over.

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded and kissed him.

"Yeah just let me get my jacket." I said running to the coat rack. I put it on and ran back over to Josh and smiled.

"Ready." I said while he laced fingers with me. A lot of things have changed in the past five years, I moved to California and met Josh. He turned out to be Riley's uncle...now that I think of it, I remember him. Anyway, I haven't seen or talked to Lucas since he...well-never mind. I guess I zoned out because Josh pulled me closer to him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me.

"Always." I smiled, he gave me a look and I just nodded. He sighed then we arrived at the car.

Lucaya/Laya one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin