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It was the first day back at school after Christmas break, meaning that it was sure to be a more hellish day than normal

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It was the first day back at school after Christmas break, meaning that it was sure to be a more hellish day than normal. And as I had assumed, I had only been in the building for three hours, and my day already sucked. I had been annoyed by the school douchebag and my ex-boyfriend— Calum Hood— which of course was nothing out of the ordinary, managed to face plant walking up the stairs to the second level of the school--with an audience watching-- and managed to smash my finger in my locker door.

And to top it all off, my math class was getting a new teacher as the last one had decided to retire midway through the year. It was a stupid decision if you ask me because math was not my strong point, and I had actually understood some of what Mrs. Evans had taught. But regardless of my opinion, I was getting a new math teacher whether I liked it or not.

I took my seat near the front of the room. Normally, I would've liked to hide away in the back, but Mrs. Evans had insisted that I sit in very front of the classroom near her desk so that she could easily help me when I struggled on certain topics.

Not long after I had taken my seat, a loud voice startled me making me realize just how quickly I zoned out.

"Class, my name is Mr. Hemmings, and I will be your math teacher for the remainder of the year," the voice spoke in an Australian accent which immediately captured my attention.

I lifted my head to see a man who couldn't be over the age of 28 with blonde hair styled neatly into a quiff, a lip ring glistening from the corner of his mouth, and a pair of black glasses adorning his face. He wore a crisp white button up shirt with a black tie and black dress pants and shoes. To say he was attractive would be an understatement because, damn, he was one fine looking man.

"I'm going to take attendance now, so please raise your hand and call out 'here' when your name is called," Mr. Hemmings explained while picking up the attendance sheet from his desk.







"Here," I called out as Mr. Hemmings read my name from the paper. He glanced up to acknowledge my response before continuing on with the rest of the class.

After role call, Mr. Hemmings wasted no time in getting down to business. He immediately passed out worksheets with various types of equations on them. He wanted to test our knowledge and see what we struggled in the most as a class.

As I looked at the first problem, I realized I was already screwed. I silently groaned to myself figuring I would just have to wing it. It's not like it was actually going to be graded anyways...at least I hoped not.

I struggled through the two page worksheet before finally handing it in to the basket on Mr. Hemmings' desk.

Mr. Hemmings had a strict no phone and no talking rule, so the only thing that I could do was doodle random shapes on a piece of notebook paper for the last twenty minutes of class.

Just as the bell rang, and I got out of my seat to head to lunch, the sound of Mr. Hemmings' voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Miss Clifford, would you mind staying after class for a moment?"

I gulped as I changed my destination to be Mr. Hemmings' desk. It was never a good sign when the teacher asked you stay after, so needless to say, I was nervous.

"Yes, sir?" I asked timidly as I approached my teacher. I was a quiet girl by nature and hated to have any attention whatsoever so to have Mr. Hemmings' blue eyes staring me down was a nightmare.

"I was looking at your worksheet from earlier, and I couldn't help but notice that you got nearly every single question wrong...did you not understand any of it?" He asked, his eyes holding curiosity and disappointment in them at the same time.

"No, sir," I said hanging my head in shame. "I've always struggled in math."

Mr. Hemmings' was silent for moment as if he was contemplating something.

"If you would like, I could help you search for a student tutor, or I could tutor you myself," he finally said.

I debated the two options in my head for a second. If I went with the first, then one of my peers would see just how stupid I actually was. So, naturally, I went with the second option. It would save some embarrassment. "Could you please tutor me?" I asked.

"Of course," he smiled. "How does twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday, sound?"

"That's fine," I smiled shyly while clutching my books tighter to my chest.

"Great, now get to lunch," Mr. Hemmings said turning around to focus his attention back on the stack of worksheets in front of him.


New story woo!

I hope you guys like this!

There is going to be mature content in this, but I'll try not to have too much of it, but there probably will be a considerable amount. I want there to be a storyline as well and not just smut. So proceed as you wish.

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