eleven » squad

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"I've got a better idea

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"I've got a better idea." Ashton took a sudden sharp turn onto a dirt road and pulled out his phone. "Hey, Blake and I are skipping school today. Meet us at the old warehouse." He hung up the phone before explaining to me, "That was Lindsey."

"Ash, I can't skip today!" I protested.

"Why not?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "You normally don't care."

"Yeah, well, um," I couldn't tell him that the only reason why I wanted to go to school was because I wanted to see Mr. Hemmings. "I just don't want to?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Come on, Blake. Just today. I promise I'll take you tomorrow," he pleaded, and anyone who knows Ashton also knows that you can never resist him when he gives you the puppy-dog look— the exact look he was giving me right now.

"Fine," I groaned. "But you owe me."


We pulled up to the old abandoned warehouse a few moments later. It was a place that Michael had found about a year ago after his whore of a girlfriend cheated on him. I never liked her in the first place, but Michael was convinced that he was in love with her. Anyways, when Michael gets mad, he likes to drive, and that's how he found this place. Our group liked to come here so that we could drink and gossip without having to worry about getting caught.

Ashton unlocked the door— we had found a key— and I flopped down onto the couch. Shortly after, Lindsey walked in with a bag in hand.

"I brought snacks and alcohol!" She grinned mischievously.

"Yes!" Ashton cheered, but I groaned.

"I'm gonna have to pass on the alcohol guys. I went too hard last weekend."

"Boo you whore!" Ashton scolded.

"Guys, it's a school night, and it's only eight AM," I rolled my eyes. It wouldn't be the first time for them to go to school hungover tomorrow, but it definitely wasn't ideal.

"More for us then," Lindsey stuck her tongue out before opening up the bag and setting its contents onto the table.

Ashton and Lindsey immediately cracked open a couple cans of beer, but I reached for the bag of skittles instead, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket.

From Luke💓🐧

did you make it to school okay?

From Blakelynn💋

actually I won't be there today...

From Luke💓🐧

what why? :-(

From Blakelynn💋

my friends have kidnapped me and are making me skip😑

The couch dipped down beside me, and I hurriedly locked my phone so no one could see who I was texting.

"Who was that?" Lindsey asked, trying to get a look a my screen even though it was black now. "I saw a heart emoji," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"DO YOU HAVE A SECRET BOYFRIEND WHO WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT?" Ashton shouted from the other side of the room.

"He's not my boyfriend," I rolled my eyes.

"Was it that guy you were with last weekend? What was him name again? Luke?" Lindsey questioned still smirking.

"Oh my gosh, yes," I groaned irritatedly, feeling a blush starting to creep onto my cheeks.

"Aw! Look! Our little Blakey is blushing!" Ashton cooed. "Seems like someone has a little crush." He pinched my cheek, and I swatted his hand away.

"We need to meet this boy," Lindsey said seriously. "What's his last name? I need to look him up on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram." She was already pulling up the search tab of one of the apps on her phone.

"I don't even know if he has any of those," I told her in hopes of deterring her from her quest.

"There's only one way to find out," she smirked again. "Just tell me his last name."

"No," I shook my head. "You don't need to social media stalk him."

"This is part of my best friend duties, Blakelynn," she sighed. "Guess I gotta do this the long way."

It was silent for a few moments as she typed away on her phone.

"Why are there so many fucking Luke's in this state?" She complained but continued her search regardless.

I sat anxiously, hoping she wouldn't be able to figure anything out.

"Holy shit!" Ashton exclaimed a few minutes later while staring down at his phone. "Did you guys know that when hippos are upset, their swear turns red? Like, that's so cool! It'd be like you're sweating blood!" He smiling like an idiot.

"Seriously, Ashton?" Lindsey groaned and tossed her phone to the side. "I thought you were actually gonna say something useful."

"This is useful!" Ashton argued. "What if you come across a squad of hippos, and they're sweating red stuff? Then you would know not to mess with them because they're already upset!"

"I don't think a group of hippos is called a squad, Ashton," I butted in. 

"Are you the hippo expert?" Ashton sassed, but I didn't reply. I wasn't about to argue about something so pointless.

"I think I'm gonna need some more alcohol in my system if I'm gonna be around you all day," Lindsey muttered, reaching for another beer.

Author's Note:

double update bc my afternoon class got cancelled due to the snow storm

question: who's lane are you in?

answer: I'm really in Michael's lane but then sometimes Luke gets me feelin some type of way. but I usually want to punch him in the face too so idrk 

please vote and comment!

-Alyssa xx

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