five » just tutøring

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Friday rolled around, and it was time for my "strictly tutoring" session with Mr

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Friday rolled around, and it was time for my "strictly tutoring" session with Mr. Hemmings. As much as enjoyed our first "tutoring" session, I knew it couldn't continue. So, I was determined to make sure that the only thing happening tonight was going to be math related. No kissing. No touching. Nothing sexually related in any way. Just math.

I walked into Mr. Hemmings' empty classroom and took the same seat I had used on Tuesday and laid out my book, notebook, and paper while preparing myself to learn. A few moments later, Mr. Hemmings walked in.

"Looks like you're ready to do some math," Mr. Hemmings chuckled.

"Well, I actually do want to pass your class," I laughed nervously. He seemed to be acting as if Tuesday had never happened— which was exactly what I wanted, right?

He took a seat in his desk chair and moved over to my desk and took my textbook. He set it in his lap and skimmed through the pages looking for the one he wanted.

"Alright, right here," he pointed to the page. I had to lean over slightly to see what he was referring to seeing as how the book was still on his lap. Unfortunately, my shoulder brushed against his during the process. I hesitated slightly before pulling away hoping he wouldn't notice. If he did, he didn't show any signs of noticing it and just continued to explain how to solve the equations.

Why did I have to be so fucking awkward? Why did I have to do sexual things with my teacher?

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and focused on learning, and in no time, I was whipping through the problems like it was second nature.

An hour and a half later there was a knock on the door and someone entered the room. It happened to be my twin.

"What are you doing here?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows in confusion.

He took a seat next to me and examined my papers while ignoring my question.

"Can I help you?" I asked again becoming slightly annoyed. Mr. Hemmings stayed silent.

"Mom told me to pick you up," He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "So are you ready to go?"

I looked at Mr. Hemmings for approval.

"I think you've done enough today," he replied. "Just do the questions on page 174 before Tuesday, so I can see what you need to work on there."

"Okay." I gathered my books back into my bag and slung it over my shoulders. "Bye Mr. Hemmings," I called as I exited the room with Michael.

"Have a good weekend, you two," Mr. Hemmings called back to us.

The walk to Michael's car was oddly silent which was unusual for the two us. Normally, we were both obnoxiously loud when we were together, but there something off about Michael tonight.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" I broke the silence once we were settled into the car.

"Nothing," he put the key in the ignition, but there clearly something wrong.

"Mikey," I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to get him to look at me.

He just shook it off and drove back to the house with his face in a hard line. I sighed not understanding why he was being so cold towards me.

"Michael, please tell me what's wrong. I'm your sister for fuck's sake. I want to help you," I pleaded.

"Just leave me the fuck alone, Blakelynn! If I wanted you to know, I'd tell you. It's none of your business, so just shut the fuck up!" Michael shouted before walking away and leaving me stunned standing in the driveway.

Michael hardly ever acted this harshly towards me. He seemed to be fine earlier in day at school, but now, I don't even know. I sighed and made my way back into the house and checking my phone to see that I had gotten a text from Lindsey.

From: Lindseyyy🐼

hey there's a party tonight at Calum's house. wanna come?

From: Blakelynn💋

you know Calum hates me. I'm sure he doesn't want me at his party

From: Lindseyyy🐼

pleaseeee Blake. I'm sure he won't even know you're there

From: Blakelynn💋

fine but if he even says 2 words to me I'm out

I sighed and began digging through my closet for something to wear. A party at Calum Hood's house was probably the last place I'd ever want to be. If he was the last man on earth, I'd avoid him like the plague. We used to get along fine and were even friends, but then he joined the soccer team, became popular, and turned into an asshole. And I wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

Author's Note:

when even wattpad is 5sos af😂

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when even wattpad is 5sos af😂

sorry this is so short! I just have writer's block and am trying to think of ways to make this different from all of the other mr Hemmings fanfics out there


is anyone going to any shows? if so, when?

I'm going on July 27th in Auburn Hills!

alright, peace out✌🏻️


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