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It was safe to say that my parents were in love with Luke

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It was safe to say that my parents were in love with Luke. A month had passed by now, but I'm pretty sure they liked him more than me. It was okay though because his parents were equally as in love with me.

Michael had gone to his final court date where it was decided that he would get full custody of McKenzie, and Jess wasn't allowed anywhere near her until she turned eighteen.

It was strange to have such a little person constantly running around, but she was adorable, so I didn't mind. She had also taken quite the liking to Luke. Seeing the way he interacted with her was the cutest thing in the world. It made me hope that one day I would get to see him making a child of our own giggle like that. It was strange to think that I was picturing a family with him, but the longer we were together, the more I wanted him to be in my future.

These were the thoughts that popped in my head as I was getting ready for my last day of high school. It was Friday, and it was the last day that I would walk the halls of hell and also the last day that I would step foot into Luke's classroom as his student. In just two more days, Sunday, I would no longer be considered a high school student, and mine and Luke's relationship could be out in the open. We wouldn't have to hide anymore, and that was exciting to think about. He could hold my hand and kiss me as we walked around town and went on cute dates. That thought my insides flutter with happiness.

And even though we had confessed our love for each other already, we still hadn't had sex yet. We had decided to wait until after graduation so that we could celebrate not only me being out of high school but also the fact that we didn't have to hide anymore.

I lingered behind after math class, as I usually did, to sneak in a quick conversation and kiss with Luke.

After the last student has exited the room, I took a seat on top of Luke's desk.

"Two more days, baby," I said smiling.

"I can't wait," he returned the smile making me feel giddy inside. "How are we gonna celebrate?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well, I think we were gonna go out to dinner with my family and hang out with them all night," I teased.

"Or we could ditch your family after dinner and go back to my house where we'll be all alone."

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