three » tutøring

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Class had ended for the day but that didn't mean I was done learning yet

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Class had ended for the day but that didn't mean I was done learning yet. I had my first tutoring session with Mr. Hemmings today. Oh joy! Note the sarcasm there.

I lingered by my locker putting my books away so I didn't have to spend as much time learning math. Dinner with my family and Mr. Hemmings was to be at six pm sharp, so we would have just under three of studying to do.

Finally after fifteen minutes, I knew I couldn't dawdle any longer. With a sigh, I closed my locker and slowly walked to Mr. Hemmings' classroom. The door was open, and he was sat at his desk with his head tilted down and a pen in hand, most likely grading papers.

I stood awkwardly for a few minutes just outside the doorway before finally walking in. Mr. Hemmings looked up at me once he heard my footsteps and motioned for me to pull a chair up to his desk.

"You're late, Miss Clifford," he said as I sat down.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hemmings. I just had to, um, talk to my brother about something." I lied.

"It's fine just this once, but I expect you to be on time from now on." He pushed his glasses up his nose and moved the stack of papers away from him. "Now open up to chapter four, so we can get started."

"Yes, sir." I pulled my textbook from my backpack and opened up to the demanded page, waiting for my next instructions.

"Alright, so this is just some simple equations that you should have learned a few years ago. All you have to do is find what x equals," he explained while looking at the page. "Start by doing the questions in section A, and then we'll go from there."

I nodded my head and pulled out a piece of paper. These actually were some really simple problems, so I knew how to do them. I was able to quickly finish the questions to which Mr. Hemmings looked over, and after seeing that they were all correct, assigned some of the more difficult problems from section D.

After solving a few equations, I came to one I didn't know how to do. I didn't really want to ask for help, so I just kinda stared at the numbers with unrealistic hopes that the answer would just jump out at me.

Mr. Hemmings | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now