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I sat at the lunch table with Lindsey and Ashton on Wednesday afternoon wondering where the hell Michael was

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I sat at the lunch table with Lindsey and Ashton on Wednesday afternoon wondering where the hell Michael was. This was the third lunch period in row that he had missed and knowing Michael, he never passed up an opportunity to eat food. I absentmindedly stirred around my unappetizing looking vegetables.

"Where's Mike at?" Ashton asked, drawing me from my thoughts of my MIA brother.

"I don't even know," I sighed, pushing my tray away and deciding that I was done. "He's been acting really weird lately. I'm honestly kind of worried about him."

"He looked really stressed out when I went over to your house on Saturday, but I assumed it was because nobody knew where you were," Lindsey added. "And speaking of which, where were you?"

"I was just with a friend," I explained trying not to look panicked.

"Just a friend?" Lindsey smirked. "Who is he? I need details, girl!"

I laughed uneasily at her nosiness. "You don't know him," I lied. "And we didn't do anything. He just took care of me because I was apparently too drunk to function." Not a lie.

"Oh, come on! Just tell us his name!" Ashton joined in.

I hated having to lie to them. They were my best friends, and they didn't deserve this, but I knew I couldn't tell them the truth. I was going to have to pick my lies carefully. "His name's Luke." The chances of either of them knowing Mr. Hemmings' first name was slim because he hadn't informed the class.

"Is he hot?" Lindsey asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, now leave me alone," I groaned, sick of all these questions.

"But, Blake," Lindsey whined, "I need more details!"

Before I could deny her anymore information, the bell rang. Saved by the bell. "Well, guys, I gotta get to class. See ya later," I hurried my way away from them and to my locker.


The day ended, and I made my way out to the parking lot, but Michael's truck was nowhere to be seen. I whipped out my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the fourth ring.

Mr. Hemmings | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now