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An hour or so later, Luke and I were showered (separately, unfortunately) and mostly paint free and sitting on the living room floor eating pizza

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An hour or so later, Luke and I were showered (separately, unfortunately) and mostly paint free and sitting on the living room floor eating pizza. I don't know why we were sitting on the floor when there a couch literally two feet away, but we were sitting on the floor.

"How old are you?" I asked randomly as I nibbled on my pizza.

"Twenty eight. Why?"

"Because you know how old I am, and I guess I was just curious," I shrugged. "I was right in my guess though." I finished my pizza and leaned back, laying on the ground and yawning.

"Tired?" Luke asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Mhm," I nodded my head. "What time is it?"

"Almost nine," he answered. "I should probably get you home. You're family is probably wondering where you are."

"But I don't wanna go home," I whined, my tiredness becoming much more evident. "Can't I just stay here?"

Luke chuckled. "I would love for you to stay, but unfortunately, it's a school night." He shuffled over to me. "Come on." He lifted me up, and I squealed a little, not expecting it.

He carried me to his car despite my protests and set me in the passenger seat, leaving a kiss on my nose. I scrunched my nose at his actions, but he just shook his head and did it again.

Luke dropped me off about a block away from my house just as he done the night after I got drunk.

"Thanks for helping me," Luke appreciated.

"No problem. I had fun," I smiled, my hand on the door handle. Just as I was opening the door, Luke stopped me. I looked  at him quizzically.

"Give me your phone."

I handed him my phone, and he typed a few things before handing it back.

"There. Now you have my number. And I texted myself, so I have yours," he smiled adorably, and I couldn't help but give him a quick peck on the cheek before exiting the vehicle.

"See you in class tomorrow, Mr. Hemmings," I said before closing the door.

"Bye, Miss Clifford," he winked, leaving me to walk the rest of the way home.

Mr. Hemmings | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now