sixteen » great escape

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When I woke up the next morning, the high from my evening with Luke had worn off, and I did not want to get out of bed

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When I woke up the next morning, the high from my evening with Luke had worn off, and I did not want to get out of bed. However, it was a Saturday, so I could basically lay in bed all day until someone forced me to leave. Unfortunately, that came sooner rather than later.

"Wake up, bitch!" Michael shouted running into my room and jumping on top of me.

I groaned and pulled my pillow over my head, trying to block out my brother's annoying noises. "Get off of me, asshole."

Of course, Michael wasn't going to listen to me. My annoyance only made him furrow himself into my side and place a death grip around my waist. "But I just love my sissy so much!"

"Too bad the feeling's not mutual," I muttered, giving up on any hope of pushing him away from me.

Michael sat up, freeing me, and let out an exasperated gasp, "Rude!" He placed a hand over his chest like I had just deeply offended him.

"Get over it," I rolled my eyes but still didn't move from my horizontal position.

"You seriously do need to get up though. We have company over," was the last thing he said before exiting my room. I let out an overly dramatic groan before finally dragging myself to an upright position. From down the hall I could hear Michael yell, "The demon has been summoned!" I wanted to shout something back to him, but I figured I'd just slap him upside the head once I got my butt downstairs.

I didn't bother to shower before throwing on a random pair of jeans and a navy blue sweater. My hair was just tied back in a messy ponytail, and I applied my normal everyday makeup. I wasn't sure who this company was that was waiting downstairs, but they probably weren't too important as to where I needed to look my best.

Once I was decent, I bounded down the stairs scanning the room for Michael who was sitting at the kitchen table eating a muffin. Just like I had said I would, I slapped him upside the head.

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