twelve » relax

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"C'mon, guys! Work with me here!" I was struggling to get Ashton and Lindsey out of the warehouse and into a car, so I could drive them home

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"C'mon, guys! Work with me here!" I was struggling to get Ashton and Lindsey out of the warehouse and into a car, so I could drive them home. They both had way too much drink and were far from being conscious of their actions.

"Look at that tree, Ashy! It's so big!" Lindsey giggled stopping to admire the "big tree." It was really the same size as any normal tree.

"Woah," Ashton agreed. "I wanna take a selfie by it!" He rushed out of my grip and stumbled over to the tree with me calling after him.

"Take a selfie with me, Lindsey!" He shouted again, giggling and barely able to stand.

"Guys, no! Come here!" I groaned, feeling like the parent of two-year-old twins. Now I know how my parents must of felt taking me and Michael places because we weren't the most cooperative children.

My phone started ringing in my pocket, and I didn't bother to look at the caller ID before answering rather rudely, "What?"

"Woah, easy there, tiger. Someone doesn't sound very happy," the person on the other end chuckled.

I sighed trying to calm myself down and ran a hand through my hair. "Sorry, Luke," I apologized. "I'm still with Ash and Lindsey, and they're drunk." I scanned the area to make sure my two best friends were still okay. "They're seriously like a pair of— Hey! Stop!" I had to cut myself off when I saw them walking to the edge of the woods. If they wandered into there, it would be a nightmare to try and find them.

"But there's a bunny!" Ashton yelled back but the pout was evident in his voice.

"I don't care about the fucking bunny, Ashton," I snapped. "Both of you just get your asses back here right now!"

"You're a meanie," Lindsey said looking like she was on the verge of tears but walked towards me anyways. She was quite the emotional drunk. Ashton followed, and pretty soon they were both in the back seat of Ashton's car. We'd have to come back for Lindsey's tomorrow. As I was walking to the driver's side, I remembered that Luke was still on the phone.

"Shit! Sorry!" I apologized again.

"It's fine," he laughed. "Is everything good now?"

Mr. Hemmings | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now