Eridan: Being matesprits?

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You crossed your arms and huffed. Your friends had  convinced you to come out into the sun, very much to your displeasure.

"Come on (Y/N)! It's fun in the water!" Your best human friend, Jade, called from the seemingly endless ocean.

"I'm not going over there Jade! You can't make me!" You yelled back at her, covering your body with your towel even more and sliding deeper into the cool shade from your (f/c) beach umbrella.

"C'mon! He's here!" Jade giggled. She knew about the slight crush you had on a certain troll.

I bet this is all just a set up to get me and him together... You just know it's just a big set up to get you and the troll together.

The violet two-piece Jade forced you to wear is DEFINITELY a HUGE clue.

"(Y/NNNNN)!" Jade whined as she looked at you with the cutest puppy dog eyes that ever existed. She always did this to you. Try and force you to do something and when you refuse she pulls out the puppy dog eyes... Or the rifle. You're glad she stopped using that a while ago.

You rolled your eyes at the girl and finally got up, dropped the towel and ran towards her in the water. You jumped straight in, slightly thankful for the salty liquid being a cool release from today's blaring sun.

Jade grabbed your hand and pulled you out deeper to where you couldn't touch the ground and started to splash you.

"Jade! Nooo!" You laugh and splash her back, this going on for a while before you feel something brush past your leg. You freeze, confusing Jade.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" She reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder, but instead you are pulled underwater by hands on your legs.

You try your best not to scream and hold your breath, so the water doesn't fill your lungs. You can't help open your mouth and gasp in the burning salty liquid surrounding you when the hands that were pulling you down are now wrapped around your waist from behind and a face buries itself in your neck. The water makes quick work of your lungs and you start to thrash, needing air.

Whoever grabbed you notices this and mentally slaps themselves for forgetting you can't breath underwater like they can. They swim you up to the surface and take you to shore before hiding back underwater, in fear you'll hate them.

You cough and sputter and get as much water as you can out of your intestines, gasping in as much air as you can. You collapse back onto the sand, still coughing and gasping, as Jade swims towards you.

"(Y/N)! Oh no! Are you okay?!" Jade runs towards you and rolls you over slightly.

You nod, although still inhaling sharply and unsteadily. You notice wet black and violet hair, two lightning shaped horns and a pair of yellow eyes come up above the soft waves and look at you.

When your breathing calms down and you've fixed yourself up (with the help of a certain Harley) you watch the water from your place in the shade.

The head of the person you saw before pops up out of the water, then the torso.

"Hey landdwwellers!" He yells from where he swims, "Wwater you doin' wway ovver there?"

"Hey Eridan!" You yell back, a wide smile on your lips. He smiles back slightly and swims over to the shore, getting out and walking over to you and a snoozing Jade.

"Wwhat's up wwith her?" Eridan questions, sitting down next to you.

"She's sleeping, isn't it obvious, Fishstick?" You giggle as he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up, landdwweller." He smiles and shuffles closer to you. "So, howw are you?"

You and Eridan have become close friends, probably because you were the only one who could stand him that he liked. And the fact you treated him like a normal person.

"Not much. Just nearly drowned in your god forsaken home." You lean your head into his shoulder, not seeing the violet blush hinting at his cheeks.

"You did..?" He asked sadly, although you know he knows the answer and how it happens.

"Hey," you look up at his face and smile, "it's alright. I'm alive, aren't I?"

You barely have time to react as Eridan grabs your shoulders, pushes you down onto the soft sand and presses his lips against yours. A dark pink blush engulfs your face, as a violet one has done already to his.

He pulls away and moves some of your still wet hair from your face.
"I'm sorry." He mutters.

You smile and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for another sweet yet salty kiss.

"It's fine." You whisper back after pulling away. He smiles and leans his forehead onto yours.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" A newly awoken voice yells at you two.

You and Eridan turn your heads toward Jade.

"Uh..." You bite your lip.

"Wwe're being matesprits?" He questions.

Jade processes that for a few moments before squealing and pulling you two into an awkward looking hug.


860 words I think??

Eh whatever

Sorry it's lame <3

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