Sollux: Black or Red?

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You sat at your desk your laptop was located on, clicking away at the keyboard absentmindedly. You were expecting a message from a friend of yours. You two had met through a shared friend who was in some questionable relationship with Karkat. Questionable because no one really knows if they're in a moirallegiance or matespritship or kismesissitude, though that's highly unlikely.

You shake your wondering thoughts from your head as you continue playing around with the programs on your computer. When was Sollux was going to message you? 2 am. What time is it now? 1:57 am. You knew that it was a normal time of day – or rather, night – for him, but God damnit, this is Earth, not Alternia! The sun isn't as blindingly bright!

Speak of the bicoloured devil, Pesterchum sets off a small ding. You open the application only to find the yellow-blooded troll messaged you two minutes early.

twinArmageddons [TA] began trolling (chumHandle) [CH]

TA: hey.
TA: you awake 2tiill?
CH: No, I'm asleep and playing around on a golden moon
CH: Course I'm awake dumbass
TA: woah woah calm down, ii dont need you to 2tart 2weariing at me.
CH: Sollux?
TA: yeah?
CH: Shut up.
TA: ouch (Y/N).
TA: why mu2t you wound me 2o.
CH: God Sollux, will you stop being a drama queen for once in your life?
TA: never.
CH: Sigh.
CH: Anyway,
CH: Why did you need me to chat to you at... This exact moment?
TA: look out2iide.
CH: Why?

twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling (chumHandle) [CH]

You shrug and close Pesterchum, before pushing away from the desk, standing up and walking to the window. You open the window to see a floating figure shrouded in blue and red electricity-like things. The person in said blue and red electricity came closer to your building before you recognised the familiar shape of the body, colouration of the clothes and skin, and gold Gemini symbol printed on their shirt.

"Sol!" You yell out after opening the window. You poke your upper body out of the window to wave at the troll you like so much, calling him over to your apartment. You lived in a tall building on the upper level, you had been surprised that two of the neighbours hadn't been disrupting the peace earlier that day but it's none of your business what those boys do.

Sollux floated over to your window before you went back inside, him following you.
"So why the fuck are you here?" You question him, sitting down on your bed.

"What? Can't a troll come thee hith human friend onthe in a while?" He asked innocently, causing you to look at him suspiciously.

"The last time you came over was when you needed honey to feed your 'beeth'." You cross your arms, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

"Alright fine, you win thith round, but don't make fun of my lithp!"

"Aww what'th wrong Beebaby? Doeth thith upthet you? Oh, I'm thooooo thorryyy!" You grin at his scowl then poke your tongue out at him. "Calm down Beebaby. I'm only teathing."

"Quit calling me Beebaby! And thtop making fun of it! God, you're tho annoying!" He was trying his best to stay angry at you, but you smiled in just the right way to make him want to smile horn to horn. Damn you and your stupid human magic!

"Ith thith what a troll callth hate flirting or-" You wonder out loud on purpose while tapping your chin, you would of finished what you were saying... But Sollux and his mustard coloured blush interrupted you.

"THITH ITH NOT BLACK FLIRTING! I'M NOT BLACK FOR YOU (Y/N) JEGUTH!" He yells, blush growing deeper and spreading across his entire face.

You grin and put your hands in your lap, fluttering your eyes innocently.
"Doeth that mean thith ith red flirting?" You giggle, looking as cute as you possibly can.

This put Sollux over the edge. With a face full of yellow and eyes flashing brightly, he picks you up off the bed with his psionic powers and brings you toward him. The scowls with a slight hiss, scaring you a small bit.

"Humanth are tho fucking thtupid..." He mumbles. You open your most slightly to protest, but instead Sollux places his lips on yours, causing you to blush almost as much as him.

You hesitantly kiss back, unsure of his feelings. You close your eyes tightly and he lowers you to the ground, lips still locked. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls away, scowling at you.

"Yeth." He says without looking away from your eyes.

"Yeth what?"

"Yeth, I have red feelingth toward you." With that you start to smile and put your arms around his neck, causing him to smile a bit too.

"Good, becauthe I have red feelingth for you too Thollux." He grins and rests his forehead on yours, still looking into your eyes.

"Can you thtop copying my lithp now (Y/N)?" He chuckles softly, smiling .

"Nah, I think I'll alwayth thpeak like thith."


Whoop whoop, finally done Sollux x (y/n) with 800 and something words :DDD

AC: :33 < I ship it!

Same bro.

I also realised this is the only one so far where (y/n) and (c/n) have actually properly kissed
Well, I always imagined Sollux to be quite the straight forward kinda guy 8)

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