Chapter 2: Birth

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*edward pov*
While Bella was talking about the baby names I see her go for her drink and then something snap and she fell before she hit the ground I ran at vampire speed and grabbed her head to make sure it doesn't hit the ground. We rushed to the room that Carlisle keeps as an emergency room it has everything I laid her down as Alice was phoning Carlisle.
"Edward, Carlisle said the placenta might have detached"
I'm just shocked since Carlisle wasn't here and that only means one thing we have to do the whole baby thing but how I don't think she can push it will be to late and then I see from a corner of my eye,rose who grabs a cutting tool and goes for Bella's belly I stopped her in time when rose yelled at me saying
"EDWARD THE BABY CANT BREATHE WE NEED TO GET IT OUT!" Rose growls and then Bella screams
I look at Bella as she yelled the words and I told her that we had to do this and I'm sorry.
I watched Rosalie cut the belly while I heard screams from my Bella, I look back as rose is looking at the knife that had a lot of blood I yelled no rose!
Jacob jumped to her and knocked it out I took the knife and started cutting while Alice took rose away.
I start to bite my way to the sack I stopped to come to the baby so I grabbed it from the belly, I looked at it and then looked at Bella and said its a girl. I see Bella's smile as I handed her  to Bella

*bella pov*

I was screaming the whole time while rose was cutting me and then she stopped and smelled and looked at the knife, jake had to jump on her I see Edward grab the knife and started cutting.
I see Edward start biting on my belly to get the baby out. I heard screams of a baby and I started to calm down Edward looks at me while he's holding the precious baby and says "it's a girl"
Those words was like a gift to me I told Edward to let me hold her. While I was holding her I start to fade away and then grunt because of something hurt me. I heard Edward yelling "don't leave me, don't leave me Bella"
But I can't help it my eyes were fading it's like I'm really tired but try staying to stay up but can't because your just fading away, I close my eyes fully as I start to fade away.

*edwards pov*
As she was holding our baby girl she grunted and then started fluttering her eye lids to try to stay up but it feels like every second she's fading away from me so I yelled at her telling her to don't leave. But she just keeps on fading away so I grab the baby and told jake to take her but he snapped and said "get that thing away from me"
"I can take her"
I look at rose and then she says
"I'm okay Edward I swear"
As I put her in Rosalies arms I start to put my attention back to Bella. I grabbed my venom from the drawer.
"What is that?"
I stabbed it in the heart and start pushing it and say it's my venom.
After a minute I say it's not working.
Bella don't leave Bella.
I see Jacob leaving out the door but I didn't stop I kept yelling but it never happen she was gone forever now.
I can't handle a world without Bella.
"Yeah?" *cries*
You need to kill me I can't live without her.

* Jacobs pov*
I come outside and sit and start crying I see Seth and Leah looking at each other and say "she didn't make it"
And then I hear Edward yelling for me I look back and said yeah.
"You need to kill me I can't live without her"
Should I kill him for my revenge for taking Bella away from me or should I leave him to live without her and let him hurt but if I don't do this he might ask someone else to kill him but the only person I want Edward to get killed by is me so I tell him.

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