Chapter 3: Bye eddie!

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*jacob pov*
I will Edward, I will kill you because the only person who should kill you is me I want it to be me.
"Jacob I can't stand life without her"
Okay let's go somewhere private,
I'm in the woods alone with Edward when I hear a scream from Alice.
"Do it fast Jacob, NOW!"
I look at him and say bye Edward I jump at him and rip his head off along with his arms and legs. I go back to my human form and grab a fire and burn his ashes.

*edward pov*
We go walking in the forest and stop in a place where no one can see us but I hear Alice screaming "NO EDWARD!"
I yell at Jacob telling him to hurry before he jumped he said bye. My head was torn and now I'm fading away just like Bella did.

*alice pov*
I walk in with Rose sitting with the baby, I then had a vision in the vision is of Edward asking someone to kill him I can't really tell it was blurry I scream and fell to the ground as I screamed "NO EDWARD!"
Rose gets up and asks what's wrong. I immediately tell her Edward, he's planning on killing himself because b-bel-Bella died I feel like I can cry if i wasn't a vampire.
Rose looks concerned and tells me to go look for Edward and she sat back down to take care of the baby girl that is still unnamed for now.
I run as fast as I can I followed the scent of jake I run and see him burning something I scream "AHHHH"
Jake looks back and grins and says "he wanted me to but I'm starting to regret it"
I look at him I was furious but I didn't want to hurt poor jake since all he done was full fill Edwards wishes.

*jacob pov*
I smell Alice coming and she scream, Alice can scream louder then anything.
I look back and grinned and told her he wanted me to. She look furious, I start to run back to kill what killed Bella that thing that rose is holding I creep up until the baby made eye contact and then I see my mind replaying things I told Bella and then I saw visions of me and that baby in the visions "it's not like love at first sight, really it's more like... Gravity moves... Suddenly it's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be. Whether it's a protector, or a lover, or a friend"
It suddenly stopped, did I really imprint on the baby, I fell to my knees when I heard Seth howl he said "their going to attack to kill the baby" I quickly ran as Alice,jasper,Emmett,Carlisle,esme,Seth and Leah fighting. I quickly ran and jumped In front of Sam and yell "if you kill her you kill me"
And then Sam nudged me and growled as I phased and turned into a werewolf and then started growling and telling him that I imprinted he then took a  step back and told the pack to leave.
"Alice saw a future and said oh my gosh jake imprinted on the baby girl that's why they left because they can't harm the imprintee of a werewolf that's their law.

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