chapter 10: aftermath

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it has been 2 hours since my baby girl left with Jake and i was more sad then when i lost my life i wish that there was no existence of the volturi, i wish they would all die already or all vampires came together even volturi people came together to destroy them so we don't have to be in fear of them and we don't have to be kept like we are being hostage, but i wish there one only one rule to vampires only drinking a human once a month and not loved ones of other vampires but i would still want to be vegetarian and i would make all my family to be vegetarian because its not right to drink people, or take lives of loved ones because its wrong.

"hey rose, how have you been since she left? you know i feel like its Bella and Edward all over again and it upsets me we have to lose yet another family member but we will get through this fight and then you can see her always but i think its for the best if she has one life right now and that's the one were she gets to be normal for now anyways."

yeah i know i want her to feel normal without anyone harming her and she will be okay because she has Jacob as her Guardian and Jacob wouldn't let anything happen to her so i feel comfortable and yes it is Edward and Bella over again, i miss them so much i wish they hadn't left us so early and they just got married but live together die together right?

"yeah sweetie but we need you to be strong both you and Emmett we want you to not kill yourself just because the other one passes because we don't want Emma feeling all alone that she lost 4 parents to the same reason so don't do anything like Edward did okay?"

i won't because i love Emma so much i wouldn't want her to feel alone, sometimes i think why did Bella and Edward have to pass away because we would really need them here right now and i just miss them and I'll be forever grateful for what they gave me.

"rose, can you come here please"

yeah coming, i was walking when Alice said she saw something about Emma, whats wrong, is it bad?, or is it good? what?

"Emma is okay but the vision of her was about her growth, she grew even more like she looks about 10 now and she's beautiful i couldn't see much since Jake was in the vision.

of course that damn smelly dog had to be in it, but i guess that's okay since he's with her but her growth, will she even live for long? or will she grow and die?

"rose she will don't worry, she will live forever like us maybe we should look for some vampires just like her?, but first we have to deal with the volturi" said Carlisle

yeah we do need to find someone just like her and fast and yes we do have to take care of the volturi or else they will take care of her and they will probably kill her, since they don't even know what she is.

"they will never find her and i'll make sure of that Emma is ours and no one can take her away from us and jake will even do anything to protect her since he did that whole imprint thing, does imprint only mean like protector?"

everyone started laughing as soon as he said "does that imprint thing only mean protector" like really Emmett

"no Emmett it means he loves her and not in a brother way well for now only a brorther way but when she's older they will fall in love with each oter and that will be soon sinc eshes growing fast" said jasper

everyone started laughing again as jasper pats his shoulder, i start to laugh at the fact he didn't even know what imprint means.

"good job brother you just let someone who love loves her take her and will live with her as long as she lives." said jasper

"did we really rose?! did we just send our daughter with someone who love loves her and take her to live with her forever?!"

yeah we did and I'm okay with it, are you sweetie?

"yeah you know just sent my daughter away with someone who loves her"

its okay hun, she's safe that's all that matters.

"do you guys smell a scent? or is it just me"

i was was about to sit down when i smelled a familiar scent but i don't know why i cant remember who it is, it was a smell i haven't smelled in awhile.

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