Chapter 4: Adopting process

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*Rosalie pov*

I was looking at this beautiful baby when I noticed that she doesn't have parents since Bella and Edward both past away. Maybe I can take this baby as my own and adopt her.
"Oh my gosh yes Rosalie!"
I turn and said let me guess Alice you had a vision *gigles*
"Yes and I will make a house for you Emmett and the baby"
I just need to tell Emmett and everyone. so I decided to tell everyone to come to the family meeting room I even asked the mutt who won't let the soon to be daughter of mine out of his sight.
Okay everyone I wanted to tell you something.
"Yes rose?"
Okay well I'm going to be adopting my niece and she will be my daughter we just have to tell everyone that if they ask.
"Oh my gosh!"
I look at everyone and they were all smiling except jake he just growled.
What's the matter mutt!
"I want to take her"
No never.
More growls.
"Calm down the two of you and yes rose needs this jake she can take care of her both her and Emmett and maybe you can always visit" esme said with her soft voice.
Ugh I have to have a mutt in my house.
"rose!, you have to do this because it will kill Jacob not seeing her"
Fine I growled at him a little.
"Okay rose what will you name her?"
I don't know Carlisle can I have some time to think of a name?
"Name her renesmee like Bella said"
No Jacob I want to name her and I'll add something that has both Edward and Bella in it. Now Emmett come with me so we can discuss this.

"Yes honey"
Okay what should we name her I mean I want something of both of us then Edward and Bella too.
"Well I would like if swan was in her middle name"
Okay I like that.
Maybe emmalie for us and then for her middle names maybe Ella for Edward Bella and then swan and Cullen. Okay so emmalie pronounced Emma+ lie and then Ella swan Cullen.
"Can we add esme and allisle"
Of course Emmett but we have to make sure it sounds good *smirks*
"Okay so rose it's emmalie esme Ella swan allisle Cullen"
Yeah, so allisle is pronounced al-isle
"Yeah for Alice and jasper it can just be Cullen"
I love it babe.

Hey guys I want to tell you guys the name!
"Okay rose what is it?"
It's emmalie esme Ella swan allisle Cullen.
Haha yeah it's unique.
Okay where's my emmalie?
"She's sleeping, Hun your going to make a wonderful mother like I am"
Thanks esme.
Alice can you look in the future just in case the volturi didn't see emmalie? "right a way rose"
As I was staring at her I wondered what her powers were I know she probably knew I wasn't her mom but I don't know that just yet. I went upstairs to see emmalie when I saw her brown eyes looking at me.
Sh-she, she just called me mom!
"Yes what's wrong??"
Emmett sh-she, she just called me mom!
I then picked her up as she put her hand to my face I saw some images of her in Bella's stomach and Edward holding her and then them passing away and then she showed me of what I said about adopting her and her being my child and then she showed me her, me and Emmett at our house and
Us Being a family. I began to melt at that my daughter knew I wasn't her real mom but she still said I was her mom, I love her to death and this little girl was gift from my brother and sister
I quickly ran down stairs and I knew it was something from the volturi.
Yes Alice?
"They are paying us a visit Aro, caius, Marcus, Jane and Alec"
What? They have no reason to!
"They might have sent someone to pay a visit to watch us just in case we were behaving and might have seen emmalie"

I heard growls as jake came beside me and emmalie.
"So your saying they are coming, when?"
"I'll see if the pack will want to watch around in the woods and I'll have to stay with emmalie rose no matter what I can't let her out of my sight and you know that"  Jacob said
Yes I know as I snapped at him.
We better get ready then! I was scared for my new baby daughters life and before Bella and Edward died I promised myself that I would protect this little girl with my life.

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