chapter 11: family reunion

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it was only yesterday that i smelt the familiar scent and i couldn't get my mind off of it since it smelled familiar i wanted to look into it but maybe it was just come random thing that I'm thinking its something i don't know. i was with Emmett when someone knocked on the door, Alice quickly got up to check it when she had a vision.

"what is it honey?" said jasper

"it's a girl and a boy, they are here and looking for us"

could it be Jane and Alex? i was really worried that if they are already here they might just take us our right here and now, everyone of our friends and family are on their way here for the meeting with the volturi we called them up yesterday and they said they would be here by 4 since they need to do things first for themselves.

"it's not Jane and Alex i couldn't identify them they are just looking for us or just one of us i don't know"

the door bell rang and we all remembered, Emmett went to the door.

Emmett pov/

i went to the door i opened it and it wasn't Jane or Alex but it was twins, can i help you?

"sorry we are just looking for Rosalie, is she here?"

why do you need her? and why are you looking for her?

"well first of all we heard you needed help against the volturi and second of all she's our sister you must be the husband?"

yeah i am and did you just say she's your sister?

"yeah we just did"

come on in then, she will be over joyed to see you guys.

rose pov/

the familiar scent came back and it was getting stronger and stronger i heard Emmett come upstairs when i saw them, my jaw dropped to the grown its actually them is my twins its my siblings But they are vampire?

"rose!, Rosalie its actually you, oh my gosh we have been searching forever for you because someone just doesn't disappear without no trace"

i couldn't believe it but who turned them? and how did they get attack and what about my other family.

how did you guys find me and how did you turn?

" we were turned 10 years after you disappeared, well i was in collage with beau here and i took history and when i did i met this boy named Ben we were friends at first but then we fell i love with each other after 5 months of living together he told me what he was, and he was half human and half vampire. i was scared and shocked but i got it through my head and i couldn't love someone as much as i loved him, after i found out i was pregnant he tried making me get an abortion but i said no and so we had it like a month of being pregnant. it was bad i had bruises everywhere and i couldn't eat but then we tried making it drink blood and it worked i was getting better but during birth i was dying so he turned me with the baby out."

so you have a husband and a kid? whats her or his name and how did beau change? did you turn him?

"yeah i do but they aren't here because we have been  running away form place to place to try to keep the volturi away, and it was a girl and her name is Adele Ella Rosalie lively and yeah i turned him after he asked me to so he can be like us and find you"

my sister has a kid oh my gosh i can't believe it and does Ben have a wife and a kid too?

"yeah rose i do, i fell in love with this girl named Adalynn she knew what i was but still loved me but she knew the dangers since she was wolf to but she imprinted on me and then after she found out she was pregnant and i told her everything about Adaline and how she got pregnant but she didn't care so after she gave birth she told me to turn her. after she woke up and we named our son Dallas Johnson Bennett Hale, after everything we got married and our families came together"

how did you guys find me? and how did you know to come to this little town in Washington?

"well actually this fight between you and the volturi well we heard about it and we knew it was you and so we came here to help and to actually see if it was you, and after this i want our kids and partners to meet you guys and the little one"

wait your kids are still alive? how long have they been alive?

"well its been only ten years after you so long"

are they old looking or about to die?

"no they aren't they are like us they just grew faster then us about 7 years after their birth well mine took about 4 years"

so they can live forever, and my daughters name is Emmalie she is very unique, she has every power you can think of.

"i would like to meet her, she sounds unique and is she as beautiful as you"

you can't she's off to Canada while this is happening because i don't want the volturi finding her then killing her, and shes with jacob black, he's a wolf and he imprinted on her so he's keeping her safe.

"that's good, and we will get through this and are you going to be keeping her with him until she is mature and older, so that she has a mind of her own?."

yeah i am i want her to live a normal life as long as she can until she is mature then she can come back and have a mind of her own but i told Jacob to not tell her until she is mature and she knows she's different because i don't want her coming back until she can help her self, I'll always be watching her I'll even go visit her but i can't tell her I'm her mo until she is ready and older.

"that's a good idea and she will be safe, i know what to do with our minds on the day the volturi will be here, i have powers well only 2 i have a mental shield that i can protect then i have this thing were i can put pretend things in the mind so he won't see what's actually in your thoughts and mind"

that's amazing what about you Beau?

"i have 3 powers actually, extra strength, then visibility by the way i can project it to everyone but if only i want to let them in, lastly i can read thoughts"

okay we will need you guys, you guys are amazing and we had someone who can read thoughts he was my brother but he died along with his wife, and the daughter well it's actually theirs i just adopted her from them when they died.

"if you don't mind me asking, how did they die?"

well her name was Bella swan well newly wed and its now Cullen, well anyways she got pregnant and during birth she died but she did hold her for awhile but after she died and he tried turning her but it was to late and so my brother Edward Cullen killed himself.

"I'm sorry to hear that, and we will fight to protect the little one, for Emmalie"

thank you, i missed you guys so much.

"we miss you to rose, now lets get ready"

"they will be coming tomorrow" Alice said

"how do you know?" said Beau

"i can see the future"

everyone is here now, they all are here.

them look, they all are family and friends who are helping us.

lets do this, maybe we can kill them with all the power we have. it will make Jane and Alex feel weak.

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