chapter 9: Emma i love you

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It was hard knowing what I'll have to do i will have to leave my daughter alone but this is the best thing I'm doing for her and Jacob, They will be happy and normal but i still have to tell Jacob that he's taking her away and far away maybe somewhere in Canada like a town in Quebec or somewhere by Nova Scotia somewhere far away and i thinks that's far enough but they will have to leave probably every 2 years and change their looks something like that. ill miss my girl so much but this is the best thing i can do for her to live to love everything.

"honey, come i think you should see this"

see what? whats wrong.

"nothing its just Emma is growing even bigger it now looks like shes 7 years old."

what? shes growing again!?

"yeah and she's got more powers."

I walk over and see she's making the water lift from her glass, it's fascinating i love every power of her's and i believe she will have every power in the book to be known maybe even more, more powers that the Volturi doesn't even know. But who am i kidding its Bella and Edward both the most amazing people in the world especially Bella who Edward couldn't even get in her head to hear about her thoughts.

i was getting every bag ready for Emma and Jake when i remembered i have to talk to Jacob about this plan i have, i need to tell him that I'm letting him go away with Emma only to keep her safe and she can make the decision to love Jacob but i think she will since she is clinging to Jacob all the time. I was walking down the hall when i heard Emma laughing i quickly go see whats she's laughing at when i hear Jake and Emma making jokes about everything, i got to say the jokes were pretty funny i decide to leave them alone. I went downstairs when i saw Alice doing her vision thing i quickly go by her side and ask what she sees she goes back to normal and tells me to get Jake and Emma ready and fast.

"rose! get Jake and Emma ready their getting ready to come in about 4 days, so you need to get everything ready, fast!"

 i was standing there shocked at what she was saying she was saying i would have to say goodbye to emma way to soon, i thought i had at least more time with her then this but it is what it is. i go back to reality and as soon as i do i tell Alice i'm listening after she was done talking i ran upstairs quickly and went to Emma's room i walk in and Jacob stands up and as soon as he see's me he knows somethings wrong.

"what's happening rose?"

Jake i hate saying this but you need to flee with Emma so she can have a normal life without the volturi tracking her down or anything, as soon as she gets to a full mature young girl you will tell her everything but i need you two to leave tonight on a train where you will be going to town and then a plane where you will be going to Canada somewhere there just be safe and if the volturi ever finds you guys you will run away and go to the Airport where you will be going to Australia, i have everything you will need and when i say everything i mean everything. Jacob take care of her for me, Emmett, Bella and Edward.

" isn't this a little to fast going? why didn't you tell me this earlier maybe like a little while ago so i can tell everybody? but i will do it of course i love little Emma"

okay good and because i just found out you guys had to leave tonight i thought i would have more time with her but i guess not and can you tell the pack we might need them to help protect so maybe put the pack all around the house? and Jake just leave a note or something and make it long so they understand and don't try to hurt us or look for you because if the pack knows where you are the volturi will come and find you no matter the cost of what they would do, they would kill the pack every single one of them just for her.

" I got it i will start making the note, and rose spend some time with Emma before we go because i know how much she is to you since you are willing to let her go."

i will just get everything you need and everything done so you guys can go as soon as possible. hey baby girl i know this is to fast but i need you to go with Jake for a little while mommy and daddy get everything sorted out with the volturi.

"okay mommy, can we spend some time with family please"

yeah honey lets go, i grab her and take her downstairs so they can spend some time with the family.

"hey sweet one, here you go this is for you to be reminded of who i am and just a little piece of me, i will miss you and Emma i love you"

"grandma Esme i love you too"

"hey Emma, i love you very much and i hope you become a doctor when your older because your very smart and i got this for you"

"thanks grandpa carlisle, i love you too"

both Alice and jasper gave their goodbyes and when it came to me and Emmett i cried so much without actual tears since vampires can't cry, i will miss my baby girl so much but this is the right thing to do.

"daddy, i love you"

"Aww my girl i love you to and daddy will always be there in your heart forever and always."

my baby girl means everything to me


she came running into my arms i spun her and look at her and said i will always be here for you my baby girl just like daddy said in your warm heart.

"mommy i love you"

i know you do my girl, if you are ever sad, upset, anything remember you have jake and just remember we are in your heart.

Emma i love you.....

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