Chapter 8: the visit

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It has been months since the volturi said they were coming and I don't think their coming anytime soon but the unknown vampire was still coming around but no wolf, or vampire can track this person down and he keeps coming back i can smell his scent every second day like he thinks we will flee from forks which i think we should but emmett thinks we should stay just incase the volturi come looking for us and kill us then instead he wants us to stay here and wait it out.

"i wish bella and edward were both here to help us with everything and with emmalie but if they were they would have kept her and we wouldn't have her but i miss my brother he's the reason i want to keep fighting for him and so this baby has a life, a life were she can just play like a child, were she can just love without someone hurting her but that won't happen in this vampire life, thats why i think she should just flee with jacob so she can have a normal life, without someone like the volturi wanting to have her or kill her."

but emmett i want her shes my first child i want everything for her too but i always wanted children ever since i was young but he took that away from me i could have been growing old with someone i love and 3 children on the porch with my grand children but he took that away he took what was most important to me.

"rose if you didn't die you would have never met me, and i feel angry everytime you mention it because i hate what he did to you but i also wished you died a different way because if you didn't you would have never met me, carlisle, esme or edward and you would have never gotten this kid that we got from our siblings."

i know but i wish i just..

"wished you what?"

"rose! you wished you what?"

"emmett!, rose!"

i hear my mom scream as i run over i hear carlisle yell its emma, i'm thinking someones got her they took her they took the 2nd most thing i loved most my baby girl.

whats wrong!
i look at my daughter but she doesn't look like her this girl looks like she's about 3 years old im shocked to how this girl looked like my daughter but this can't be just a second ago she looked only 6 months old.

carlisle what's going on!?

"it looks like she grows, but way faster than anyone."

okay so your saying she can grow about 50 years old and then go on from there? she can die before she even lives.

"i don't know rose but we will find answers"

we better find them fast before the volturi and the person who keeps watching us comes out of nowhere to kill us and her.

"if they ever lay a hand on my daughter they are going to be dead, no one will ever harm her i mean no one as long as i live she will be happy and live normal,"

when emmett said that i finally knew what he was saying he was saying we should let emma run off with jacob protecting her from the evil and from the volturi and it can be, they can live happy and she can live normal without no vampires in her life just herself and jacob and anybody new who will come along in her life, and if we make it, if we can be in that life just not yet not until she's old enough to understand what she is and what her past life is, and she will discover that she has powers but it can be hidden from her and she won't even know what it was just something that she think will just be a normal human thing.

"rose! emmett! come fast alice and jasper are back!"

i was just watching over my girl when i hear my parents scream that alice and jasper came back, i run downstairs and see both of them i run up and hug alice and jasper and i hug them tight, where have you guys been i missed you guys so much.

"we have been traveling when i got a vision, rose their coming when the snow sticks to the ground so call everyone and get ready they can be here in 3 months top so get everyone ready"

i was hugging alice enjoying that she was back but when we hugged she whispered to me.

"rose you better get them out of here and fast, their coming and their not looking for peace they want to kill her"

she then slid a package and so i grabbed it and i told everyone i was going to check on emma which i did but i locked the door and opened the package and it was a passport for emma and jacob.
i was getting everything ready for her i grabbed about 100 million dollars from my bank account and put in a backpack for her and jacob and i slid my bank card for her and put the code just in case they run low on cash but i highly doubt that will be anytime soon.

she was getting even bigger, she looked about 6 years old and i was worrying how long she even had to live her life. i want her to fall in love and fall out, i want her to be free and normal from this world.

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