Chapter 6: Finding unique vampires

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*rosalie pov*
With all this searching of friends,family all over the world some of them have unique powers, like having power of fire and water having power over wind and lightning, I love this one power that can make a whole group of people invisible and make them turn into humans without vampires knowing, I think her name is zathena she's from Africa she wants to help us fight against the volturi at first she didn't because she was scared of emmalie when she first saw her but we assured her that emmalie was a hybrid and wasn't bitten at all. Emmalie has a gift where she can teleport her thoughts through touching someone on their cheek, we think she has more since she would be most powerful because of Edward and his gifts and Bella and her gift (mental shield).

*Carlisle pov*

Me and my wife esme went looking for my dear old friend in Egypt where him and his family live, me and my wife walk in this beautiful castle as we walk I see this young man using his powers it's called elemental manipulation it's amazing.
"He is gifted" esme said
Yeah it's beautiful.
"It is"  esme said
We need your help Amun, we are in grave danger the volturi want to kill us for a crime we didn't do.
"And what is this crime?" Amun said
We will show you, if you help us
"I will, I will help you" said Benjamin
Thank you Benjamin
"We will help you Carlisle" said Amun.
Thank you

*Rosalie pov*

Me and Emmett went to England to find our friends who live there, me and Emmett were running as we bumped into our old friend Kevin long he was turned 10 years back, I was the one who met him and I brought him home because he was just 15 years of age and he was just turned into a vampire, when he fully grew 5 years later he decided to leave and go out on his own.
"Rose is that you?!" Said Kevin
Yeah kev it is, I gave him the biggest hug ever, I never wanted to let go he reminded me of my younger brother John, I wondered if any vampires got to my family but i don't think so.
"How have you been rose" kev said
I have been amazing but I have to tell you something and I know you will be upset because he was like a brother to you.
"What's wrong rose, tell me?!" Kev said
Well u-u-m it's about Ed-Ed edward
"What happened!?"
Well h-he killed him self because the love of his life died giving birth to their daughter.
"No that's impossible vampires and humans can't make babies"
Well actually kev they can.
"So h-he actually died"
Yeah I'm so sorry
"Well can I meet her?"
Yeah her name is emmalie and since we are here I need your help against the volturi
"Rosalie I will for sure help you destroy them, you know who much I hate them"
Thank you, kev has the power of tracking and sensing anyone around him, it's amazing.
Well go to forks and to the same house right away.
"Okay well I'll be running so bye"

we get back home after getting about 15 vampires in England and India.
I know we will be having the doubt of our friends wanting to help since most of them will think she was bitten. I get home and I see Carlisle and esme on the porch upset.
What's wrong?
"Here sweetie just read it" esme said

Dear, rose I'm so sorry I'm leaving at this time but I need to do something to help, get ready when the snows sticks that's when they will come
Love, Alice & jasper

I stare at the piece of paper asking myself what in the world is more important than being here and fighting with us.

5 likes till the next chapter, sorry for the long wait, I just have been busy with school.

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