Chapter 7: other battles

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*emmett pov*
I went out with my baby girl emmalie, I was walking when I smelled a weird scent like an unknown one, I have never smelt it before.
I hear my name called in like a soft and feels like it's far away tone, who can it be I grabbed emmalie out of the stroller and ran as fast as I could
I hear that same voice again, I was almost home when I was knocked down i quickly flipped to my back and covered emmalie. I got up and started to run again I was at home but I still smelt the scent I was so frustrated on who it can be who would want to hurt Emma besides the volturi. I ran inside the house yelling for everyone to come down fast, guys I was walking Emma when I smelt an unknown scent then i heard someone call my name, so I grabbed Emma and ran I was almost here when I was tripped but I got up quickly and kept running until I got here.
"Who would want to hurt Emma" Rose said in an angry tone
"I don't know Hun but we will make sure she is safe" esme said in a soft tone
"I will call the pack" Carlisle said so he then left the room to call them.
"Great we have to worry about the volturi and this unknown vampire or whatever it is." Rose said

I took Emma upstairs to sleep and then I went downstairs to tell carlisle were going hunting.
I hear Rose panting and screaming so I quickly ran downstairs to the living room were she was on the couch.
What's wrong babe?
"I-it-it's a note from someone it says

Dear, Emmett and rose I have been wondering if you would like me to come by and take emmalie and keep her for the rest of her life, just watch out I can take her in a second from now,tomorrow,next week or next month bye now.

Who would do this, I'm seriously going to make this person pay for what he's doing
"EMMALIE!" Rose screams and runs
I was behind her and as we got there she was up and crawling on the ground.
I was so scared that this unknown person was going to take my Emma away from me and Rose
"Emmett look!"
What Rose?
"She's standing up"
Holy Rose she's standing up she's growing fast.
"Yeah I know but what if she grows to fast and is old and dies, I don't want her to die she's our baby girl, and Edwards and Bella's"
Yeah I'm scared too I love her to and I don't know what I would do if we lost her.

With all that's happening like the volturi battle and now the unknown battle we need to do something and fast.
"Yeah I know we need to do something"

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