chapter 13: The battle between good and bad

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It was the day, finally it was the day of the huge fight or it doesn't come down to it and we will all be safe but Emma will have to stay with Jake forever until i know it's safe for her to come as just a vampire and Jacob's wife or something unless she doesn't love Jake and goes for someone else and leaves.

"it's time to leave guys we have to be there by noon, or else they will defiantly kill us all" said Carlisle

"c'mon guys we gotta go and break us free and be safe for eternity and if any of us die I'm so sorry for putting this in this danger" said Emmett

everyone was getting ready to fight when we all saw Alice get in her vision mode, everyone went straight to her to see what was wrong.

"what's wrong Alice, what did you see did you see anything happen?" said Jasper

"I saw Emma and Jacob being hunted down but Jake transformed and took out the vampire and the vampire who was trying to take Jake down was santiago he's the one with the tracer so he wouldn't be able to find them again so i think they will be okay now."

are they going to e okay Alice are you sure they are, how do you know they will be okay because if they won't be safe I'm going there and killing the people who the volturi is sending. i was so scared that if they find them they will kill Jake ad Emma in an instant and i couldn't live with that, i would go on a rampage and kill who ever put harm in my daughter and they will be sorry.

"lets go, we need to go now before they get there before us and they will if we don't go now, let's not try to make them mad" said jenny

everyone got everything packed and put away, we went to go to the field. we were waiting there while they were coming, it felt like everything in my body was shaking for some reason but i have to be strong and tough, because i love my daughter i would die for her.

"helllo rose, i see you don't have Bella and Edward with you, where are they?"

they died about 9 months ago, because of an attack well it killed Bella then Edward killed himself by ripping his head off.

"awuh such a prize such a prize, they would have been amazing on the volturi side"

they would never be on your side Aro, now what do you want. Why have you been watching us what did we do.

"you know this and that, but one of my people said that they saw you with some little girl who looked immortal, now where is he, oh wait she's in Canada hiding from me but one of my guys traced her and when he gets back he can trace her for the rest of his life.

"pretty sure he doesn't have one anymore now that he's dead" Said Emmett

"he can't be unless you sent a vampire with her, but would you really trust any random vampire with a human."said Aro

"the person with her isn't he's a werewolf and he can take care of her just fine" said Emmett

"wolf, did i hear that right? that's out wrong, are you sure he can keep control of himself or herself."said Aro

"he will never hurt her, and i know that for a fact" said Emmett

"let me guess he imprinted on her, now that's wrong since she's immortal."

"SHE'S NOT IMMORTAL" said Carlisle

"and how is that Carlisle" said Marcus

i lied, Bella and Edward didn't die like that it was Bella giving birth while she was human and then she died he tried to turn her but he was to late and then he couldn't live with it so he killed himself.

"that's impossible, vampires can't get humans pregnant" said caisus 

"actually it is, my name is Dallas hale i was born long ago I'm half werewolf and vampire, my parents are Ben and Adalynn they both fell in love my mom imprinted on my dad and it went on from there. I'm rose's nephew, i feed off of animal blood, human blood or normal food i call it hybrid its like being half something of each, I'm technically half human too. I'm just like you guys just half werewolf." said dallas

"no its true because I'm half human half vampire my mom is Adaline and my dad is josh he's vampire they met in collage while my mom was there, they both fell in love after he told her that he was vampire but it was already too late she was pregnant with me, he told her to get an abortion but she said no so after weeks of torturing here i am, my mother didn't die because they knew what to do and so after she gave birth to me my dad put me down to turn my mother and so he did and she was turned so now's shes vampire and both our parents are here all, oh and i feed on human blood, animal blood and food so I'm exactly like you just half human so don't hurt my cousin because i will hurt you, i will even kill you with my two bare hands because I'm stronger than you"

"brother their fooling you, they can't hurt us with Jane and Alec's powers"

"oh, oh no we can so try me, Jane" said Adaline

"do it Jane hurt them" said Aro

"okay master" said Jane

she was trying to hurt Adaline but it wouldn't work so she tried to hurt someone else but it wasn't working, i can see the anger in her eyes i was so happy, she tried to come at us but if she wouldn't make it 2 feet because we would all rip her head off and burn her right in front of Aro and the rest, we were the stronger group no matter the number difference.

"such a prize" said Aro

"we need to do something" said Marcus

"brother's there is no harm here, as you can see we have many hybrids here and there wont be harm done to the cullen's and the rest of the vampires or hybrids that are here, do i make myself clear. also if one of you so dare touch any of them or harm then your dead, including you brothers."

"But brother they are hanging with the enemy our nature is hating werewolves, and one of them is in love with them."

"Brother leave before i rip off your head right here and now." said Aro


i watched everyone of the volturi leave, Aro looked back and whispered "such a prize" he look at me then my siblings and their kids. it was over the fight except now that my kid is going to be away for a long time, I just wish they never found out about her because i would have done everything to save her and keep her alive. everyone was leaving it was just me and Emmett there just looking at each other while he held me in his arms.

"i love you Rosalie Lilian hale, your my angel my love and i won't let anyone hurt or harm my daughter."

i love you Emmett McCarty Cullen. It's over its finally over we just have to watch out if they come back.

i whisper

i love you Emmalie and i will do everything to keep you alive and in no harm.

This is the last chapter, i may be making a book about Emmalie and Jacob.

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