"I...do." Part III

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I rub my face and face reality. "I'm with Mai now.. Mai."

I grab a banana and head to Mai's room. I slightly crack the door open and find her face buried into her hands.

I quickly rush inside "MAI?! What's wrong?!" She looks at me and the room goes silent "You still love her, don't you..?"

I look at the ground and shake my head rapidly "N-no of course not I-I would never love anyo-" "OH JUST SHUT UP." Sh gets up and backs away from me.

I chase after her.. But no use, she has vanished somewhere.


I finish fixing my hair. 6:25 AM. I wake up Suki and prepare a nice lotus bath for her.

While I'm putting on my makeup I see Mai walk into my room.

"Oh hey M-" I start but she cuts me off "Save it." I give her a dumbfounded look, as if I don't understand. But I know jut what she means.

"Zuko may have loved you in the past, but he's with ME now. Only me. So if you'll ever dare to try dating him again, be prepared for the worst, bitch." I feel a pain in my heart.

Why. Why why why.? Why does my life revolve round Zuko?! Why can't he just be out of my life once and for all.?!

"I dare you Katara, I dare you to try. I will go as far as to killing you if I have to. All I have to say is, watch your back." She leaves the room and tears fill my eyes leaving my mascara and eyeliner smudged...

Then out of the blue, Zuko walks in my room with guilt covering his face..

I give him one last look, one last look before I explode into a big angry mess.

"I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME ZUKO. SO TAKE YOUR DAMN GIRLFRIEND AND LEAVE.MY.LIFE. I WANT NOTHING DO WITH YOU ANYMORE OK?!?!?!" He looks hurt but I don't care anymore, he should know how it feels every once in a while..

I slightly push him out the room..

I mumble some words before removing my makeup and redoing it.

Then after a little Suki is finished and I help her with dressing.

7:45 a.m.

Everyone is ready. Sokka and his best man, Aang, are down the aisle waiting for the gates to open. Father is there, today will be the first time I see him in 6 years and three months. Some other old friends are there too..

When it's go time Suki starts having a panic attack. "Here have some water" I hand Suki a fresh glass of water and I start fanning her face to keep her from sweating.. "You all good now?" I ask "Uhu, I-I'm ready" she takes a deep breath and holds the bouquet of flowers "Let's do this..."


All of a sudden, the gates open and reveal my beautiful wife to be.....

She walks my way and I mouth the words "You look beautiful." She smiles and blushes.

Skip to the vows:

Suki: "I Suki, take you Sokka, to be my husband. I promise to give you my unconditional love and my undivided attention. I will always love you. We take this step and become man and wife, we will be by each other's side at all times. Through sickness and in health, through bad and through good."
Sokka: "I Sokka, take you Suki to be my wife. Since the day you and the Kyoshi warriors captured us, I told Katara, 'She's gorgeous' she laughed at me and rolled her eyes. Then after my sexist acts, you accepted to teach me your techniques. And for the first time I pinned you down. I gazed into your yes and that's when I knew, you were the one. I love you Suki. I will always love you."

They smile at each other.

"Do you Suki take Sokka to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I...do." She gives him a wide smile

"Do you Sokka take Suki to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do!!"

I, being the maid of honor hand them the rings.

"May these rings represent your love and friendship."

"May you always have each other's backs, through sickness and through health."

"May your undying love be passionate"

"May your hearts beat as one"

"And may nothing but death, do you part."

"I now pronounce you,
Husband... And wife"

The audience all stand and cheer!!

Then they kiss.. After that, we take pictures then the big feast starts..

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