Chapter 5

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☎ Alison's P.O.V.

"That was delicious" I exclaimed. I'm still thinking what they put on those pancakes. I mean, it was perfect and I've never tasted anything like it. I'm also glad I got to meet Sophia and Ben, even though they tried to set me up with Tyler. They were pretty good in acting, but they were a little bit obvious. I mean, they're a diner. How can they run out of milk? And it was still morning for God's sake! It was also pretty amusing seeing Tyler's face. I guess he didn't know that they'll be doing a stunt like that.

He laughed. "I'm still sorry about the milkshakes. I guess your little revenge plan didn't work out after all."

"There's always next time. I promise it'll be more brutal." I'm not really the 'revenge' kind of person. I've never thought of a prank before. It was always Hailey who made those plans. She was the one who said that I should paint Eric's car pink ,not me. She may seem like the innocent type, but she can be devil's spawn if you messed with her. I think my evil ways rubbed off on her. Maybe I should ask her later..

I'm not against pranks, I actually love doing it since I can practise my acting skills, but I'm pretty pathetic on thinking what to do. My revenge strategy is more like punching someone other than pranking them, but Hailey says that fighting is never the answer since it'll go to my permanent record. So, I let her think of an idea while I act on it. It's what we call teamwork.

"Oh, I'm so scared." he said sarcastically. "Please hold me." He then put his arms out, expecting me to hug him, but I just walked past through him and headed to the direction on where the car was parked.

"Hey! That wasn't nice." He said, catching up on me.

"Who told you I was nice?"

"Touché. So where do you want to go next? We could go to Hollywo-" he was interrupted with someone yelling his name. I turned around to see a girl with barely any clothing on, and I had a huge feeling she's bad news.

"Hey....." he trailed off.

"Amber." the girl answered. "You never called me back. What happened?" she batted her eyelashes. "And who is she?" She then glared at me.

"She i-is m-my girlfriend." he stuttered. My eyes widened, but when I looked at him he just gave me a pleading look. I guess I have to act.

I gave the girl a wicked smile before saying "Yeah, I'm her girlfriend. What's it you?"

She eyed me up and down. "Really? What did Tyler see in you?"

Oh, she didn't just say that to me. "Probably something he didn't see in you like real boobs."

Then her eyes widened, but I could sense that she didn't have anything else to say, so she stormed off. I guess her boobs really are fake.

"That. Was. Amazing." he complemented.

I smiled. "Had a lot of practice at school." I easily explained. It was true, many girls were jealous of me and Hailey so we were pretty much tormented, but it didn't last long because we learned something called trash talk. We had a lot of great comebacks, and we always had each other's back. I really  miss her, she would have love seeing me take down that slut.

"So do you want to go Hollywood, girlfriend?" He started teasing me again.

"Call me your girlfriend once more and I'll call back that slut?" I threatened him which caused him to zip his mouth.


"You should become my girlfriend." Tyler blurted out.

"What?" Maybe, I heard him wrong.

We were currently looking at the Hollywood sign; I was talking some pictures while he was just standing with his hands in his pockets.

"I just noticed that no one has flirted with me since we got here, and that's probably because they thought we were together. It could benefit us both. I protect you from perverts while you protect me from sluts."

"Are you kidding me? So what if no one is flirting with you, maybe, it's because you're not as attractive as you think you are." I lied. I know he's very attractive, but he needs to control his ego.

"I'm totally attractive enough. What can I do to make you say yes?" Is he really serious about this? Doesn't he want girls begging on his knees for him?


"I don't need money. I have a mansion." I reminded him.

"Popularity?" I gave him an 'are-you-serious?' look. I'm pretty sure I can be popular on my own. "Right. I almost forgot you were pretty." He tried thinking of another way.

"Oh, I know!"

"Please, enlighten me with your brilliant idea." I said with sarcasm.

"Do you know the book 'My Stolen Heart'?" I nodded. I remember Hailey being addicted to that book. She said to me it was about a girl who was forced to steal so that she can provide for her family, but one day, she got caught by a cop who didn't turn her in, but instead helped her. I don't really know the ending; all I know is that Hailey cried for the whole day after reading that story. I had to comfort her while people were looking at her like she was some crazy person because they thought she was crying with no reason at all.

"Do you know who the author is?" I shook my head. "It's my mom." My eyes widened. "Anyway, they're thinking of making a movie out of it, and I could get you the leading role."

"How can you do that?" I can't believe I'm actually starting to get interested at this.

"By telling my mom that you pretended to be my girlfriend for a whole year and no one noticed that you were faking it. She would be impressed by your acting skills, and hire you." I had to think this one through. This could be my chance to fulfil my dream. "They'll probably start making the film next year after my mom releases the sequel of 'My Stolen Heart'. So, is it a deal?"

"Deal" we shook our hand.

He took his phone out. "Now, let's take our first picture as a couple." I smiled for the camera, and when we looked at our photo, it looked like we were a real couple on a vacation. In the background, it had the Hollywood sign in it, and we really did look like a cute couple. I guess Sophia was right.

"You want to go home already? It's getting late. We don't want to be stuck in a traffic jam." he said.

"Let's buy some food first. I'm hungry." I said as I took his hand.

"Already? We just ate hotdogs a while ago" he questioned. I laughed.

I hope I made the right decision..


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