9) The Gala

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As soon as we entered the building I was awestruck. Everything looked so fancy. I don't think I should touch anything or I will probably break it. I decided to just sit down and look from a distance. Daren had to go check in with his step mom so I sat alone.

"Hey, want to dance?" I looked up from my drink and saw Issac standing there.

I grinned. "Hey Issac, you look dashing."

"That's it? I was expecting something along the lines of 'so freaking hot.' But I guess that's okay too." He shrugged grinning.

"Shut up! That was embarrassing." I hit his arm.

"You look gorgeous by the way." I smiled thanking him. "So that dance?"

"Okay." I took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. There wasn't many people dancing yet considering the gala is just starting but there were a few people to where as I feel comfortable.

He led me to the group of people who were going to dance. We stood in one of the two lines and waited for a couple seconds until 'Give me Love' by Ed Sheeran started playing. Then the dance started. We took three slow steps forward then turned to face the other line and stepped towards them until we passed each other then did a spin before finally facing each other.

"Where's your mom?" He asked.

"She's on her way."

"Who brought you?" He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at my dress. "Isn't that the dress from the mall?"

"Yeah, Daren actually bought me the dress, he saw us at the mall. His condition for the dress was that he had to be my date." I shrugged.


"I think it's the part of the partner exchange. "

"Right." He spun me and I twirled towards the next guy.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." He smirked.

"I didn't know you could, or would dance." I was impressed by Daren's moves.

"Guys gotta know how to get the ladies." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. "Right."

"Nah, all joking aside, my mom made me practice with her as a kid." He smiled. "She was my best partner."

"I remember her," I smiled. "She told me she grounded you and took away your video games as punishment for the sandbox thing."

"I have to spin you now." He smiled. "See you after?"

I nodded. He smiled and spun me towards some other guy. I made small talk with him and everyone else until meeting back with Issac.

We finish the dance and we all walked towards our seats.

"So where did you learn to waltz?" Issac asked.

"High school musical 3." I sighed content. "Still my favorite song ever. "

He laughed. "Okay."

We sat down and I finished the rest of my drink.

"Yo loser, mind leaving me alone with my date?" Daren came up behind Issac patting his back roughly.

Isaac looked over at me, "you good?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you later."

He nodded and pushed past Daren.

"Why don't you guys get along?"

"I don't know, it's a step brother kind of thing."

"Oh alright." I diverted my attention to the door and finally saw my friends walking in. "Hey, I'll be right back okay? Wait for me."

I stood up and he smiled. "Anything for you, cupcake."

I rolled my eyes. A playful smile on my lips. "Flirt." I muttered before walking away.

"Hey guys!" I hugged them.


"Yo! Missed you at school today,where were you?" Maya asked.

"Oh I had to go shopping for a dress." I shrugged.

"Wow, it's so pretty!"

"Looks expensive." Drew mentioned.

"It is." I laughed.

"How could you afford it? I thought you were looking for a new job?" Maya asked.

"Well, I didn't buy it. It was a gift." I shrugged.

"From who?" Drew asked.

"Daren." I whispered.

"Who?" They asked obviously not hearing me.

"Daren." I mumbled.

"Okay, stop mumbling. I can't hear you." Maya glared.

"Daren!" I semi shout.

"Yeah cupcake?" I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Where did he come from?

"Oh, Uh, these are my friends, Drew and Maya ." I said nervously, "Guys, this is Daren."

"Nice to see you again Maya." He smiled. "Sup man?" He did that bro shake with the pat on the back.

"Hey..." Drew awkwardly patted his back.

Maya and I chuckled at Drew's hate for people.

Drew and Daren started talking so Maya and I stepped to the side and started talking.

"So, Daren bought you that dress?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Chill." I laughed. "Yeah, he saw me and Isaac at the mall and saw that I didn't get the dress so he bought it. "

"Wait, hold up, you skipped school with Issac? His step brother? Then came here on a date with Daren?


"Girl you need to chose a team." She crossed her arms.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You know, like who do you like? Is it Issac or Daren? Cause you can't date both."

"Who says I want to date either of them?" I crossed my arms.

"Well I mean, they're pretty hot, and you like hot guys...so I mean do the math."

"Yeah I don't want to date anyone right now. Im not even allowed to date and even if I could, I don't like them so can you just butt out."

"Fine." We walked back to the guys and saw Drew laughing along with Daren.

Maya and I both look at each other. "Is this real?"

"I don't know, seems legit." I mumbled.

"Wow, I wonder what Daren said to make him actually enjoy his company."

"Who knows." I laugh.

Daren looks over and smiles. "There you are cupcake."

I smile. "I'm going to go get a drink,anyone want one?" I asked. Maya and Drew said no. But Daren said, "I'll go, you sit."

"Oh it's okay, I can do it." I chuckled.

"No seriously, I'll get it." He pecked my lips before walking off. We stood there with wide eyes.

Did he just?

Hey guys,

So I just got back from camping! Whoot! Whoot! Anyways I just wanted to update before going to sleep because of my exhaustion.

Kay, bye babes!!!

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